Chapter 1: dream

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Thank you Gayathri_Sarvani for this amazing surprise cover! It's amazing.

Guinevere's p.o.v






Those noises scared a twleve year old like me. I was confused and I didn't know what was going on. I lay in bed scared out of my mind, praying that someone would save me. I was too young to die.

The door to my room was kicked in. The door fell to the ground and I screamed. In walked a large black wolf with a blonde lady walking next to him.

"Back away!"

I scream as I back myself into a corner. This lady walked up to me as I screamed louder. I prayed someone, anyone would hear me and help me.

"It's okay dear, we're not going to hurt you."

This lady spoke softly. I screamed and threw my pillow at her. It hit her in the forehead (funny story at end) and the large wolf behind her growled. The large wolf behind her jumped up and slammed it's paws on the ground. I screamed and cried some more.

I grabbed my lamp next to my bed and threw it at the wolf. It hit him right in his snout. The wolf growled even more and I frantically began searching for another weapon.

More foot steps can be hard on the wood floors. People begin to run upstairs. I pray they are some people I know that came to help me with these scary people.

"Hush child."

The lady says and I scream and pull myself further into the corner. I grab my phone and my knife and make a run for it.

I run past the still stunned scary black wolf and down the hallway. Once I make it to the stares I run down them and out the door. Tears make my vision blurry and I'm scared.

I want my mon. I want my dad. Where are my brothers? I want my best friends with me!

I see two boys running towards me. I run towards them as I recognize them as my brothers. My oldest brother is 15 and his name is Lancelot. My other brother is Oliver and he is 14. I run into their arms and I imeaditly feel safe.

"Gwen what are you doing out here?!"

Lance asks me as he grips my shoulders. We both turn and make a mad dash in the other direction. Oliver runs along side Lance as we run away.

"T-they came into the h-house. S-strange people came i-into my room and s-scared me. I threw my lamp and pillow and r-ran."

I yelled at the two men as we ran. Lance and Oliver shared a look as we raced away. I looked up to see my town burning with fire. People's screams, begs, pleas, and howls of pain filled the air.

"Gwen! Lance! Olly!"

A voice yelled out to us and we looked around. My eyes landed on my sister from another mister.


I yell as we run towards one another. She hugs me and I hug her back. We pull away and keep running.

Havik is 13 as well. She has blonde hair that goes to her shoulder blades and brown eyes. She is my best friend.

We keep running till a wolf jumps out in front of us. Havik and I scream while Olly and Lance move into a fighting position.

Something hard and blunt hits me in the back of the head. I let out a small scream as I fall to the ground. My world begins to go black as the same lady from earlier enters my line of sight.

"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!"

The voice of my leader yells as he bangs on the metal trash can. I shoot up out of bed and land flat on my butt on the floor. If I could kill that man I would!

"Get up! No one here gets special treatment! You are all equal. Equally worthless! Be downstairs in 10!"

He roars into the room and everyone begins to rush. I grab my grey shirt and black pants as I change right there. I quickly grab my hair brush and brush my hair out. I tie it up in a tight bun and quickly begin the search for my boots.

I Guinevere Samuels will be dead if I don't find them and leave this room by..... FOUR MINUTES AGO!

I find my boots under my bed and quickly slip them on. These grey kombat boots need to be tied to regulation because I'm already dead.

Once they are on I quickly grab my grey jacket and run out of my dorm. My dorm has 60 beds which are all full of men and women. I button up my jacket as I run into chow hall. But standing there before me is the devil.

My leader and he doesn't look happy.


OK so the funny story is that about a year ago my friends and I tried to calm my brother down. Well there were 4 of us trying to do it. My brother threw his cup and hit one friend in the face, he threw a wooden cube and hit another friend in the eye, he slapped another friend and then there was me. I got kicked in the face by a four year old.

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