The Next Morning

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Y/N POV: Soon enough, the sun came up, it was morning, and I felt great. I got up slowly, hoping not to wake up Host, only for two arms to grab me around the torso and pull me back into bed. I squealed as I hit the pillow, Host mumbling in my ear, "You didn't think it would be that easy right?" I laughed, turned around, and kissed him on the lips.

   "Of course not honey," Host chuckled, morning voice still lacing his tone. 

   "We should probably get the kids..." I checked the time on the clock, 8:03. 

   "It's a bit early, I'm sure the kids wouldn't mind sleeping in a bit longer. How about we get ourselves clean?" I suggested.

   "Right, Host is forgetful," Host mumbled as he looked himself up and down. I didn't really realize until now that we were still naked. 

   "Whoops," I shot out of bed, grabbing Host's arms and pulling him with me.

   "Host can get around just fine on his own," Host growled playfully, pulling me to his chest. 

   "Host, you seem a bit more toned than usual," I stated, "Have you been working out?" Host chuckled nervously.

   "He may have been lately," I laughed at his timid behavior. 

   "Don't be embarrassed, it's sexy," Host flushed a dark red as I called him sexy.

   "Thanks... Host kind of did it for you Y/N," and now it was my turn to blush. 

   "For me?" I turned the shower on.

   "Yes, Y/N, for you," Host's voice was quiet and deep.

   "How about I show you how much I appreciate it?" I said, taking off Host's bandage. His sockets were still bloody, but healing at this point. It was about time that he switched the bandages again. I tossed the old one into the trash.

   "Host would like that very much," Host pushed me against the shower wall. 

------------------------------------TIME SKIP 'CAUSE Y'ALL DON'T NEED SEX AGAIN----------------------------

Host's POV: It was a nice shower to say the least. Host got a new bandage on, with the help of Y/N of course. 

   "Thanks Y/N, Host doesn't know what he would do without you," Y/N laughed.

   "Crash and burn," (SPN reference?) Host laughed at Y/N's response. 

   "In all seriousness though, Host is very glad that he found you that one day in the woods. Host was even contemplating not leaving that day. But he's glad that he did, because now Host has what he's always wanted, a family," Host heard sniffling after he finished. 

   "That's so beautiful Host. I'm so glad that I got to meet you, even if I was scared at first. If I had any idea about how big of a change my life was going to have that day, I would've stayed in the forest and waited for you in a heartbeat," Host reached and touched Y/N's face, feeling her tears falling. Host kissed her cheek, wiping the tears away as he did. 

   "Host wouldn't change how it happened for the world. He loves you, and Sami and Tanner. You three are the best things that have ever happened to Host," Host leaned forward and kissed Y/N on the lips, taking her breath away. That's one thing that Host still loved to do with Y/N, take her breath away. She might be immortal, but she was still shocked every time Host kissed her.

   "I love you so much baby," Y/N put her forehead on Host's. Host smiled and hummed in relief, these were the moments that truly mattered. The small ones, the ones that he would remember for eternity. 

   "We should go wake up the kids, they're probably still sleeping," Y/N sighed and smiled.

   "Yeah, we should..."


Small part for today because I think I'm going to make another full chapter today. This one was just kind of a filler, but I hope you still liked it.

In all seriousness, I'm truly sorry for not updating. I've been busy with friends this summer. I didn't really get to do this stuff last summer, so I updated almost every day. I feel that I've been neglecting the time I have left for summer. I'm going into 10th grade and that's fucking insane. I always tell myself that in 2 1/2 years, I'm going to be an adult, and that scares the shit out of me. 10th grade is going to be busy as hell, so I'm going to make an August resolution. Every single day, even if I'm busy, I will try to make a chapter. That way, I can finish before school starts. I probably won't even write during the school year, and that makes me kind of depressed. I will be busy with a lot of things this year, like choir and drama. I want to write forever, that will be my career and I know it. Hopefully I can pull it together and enjoy every single moment I have in high school, because 9th grade was a game changer. I met new people, made new friends, and found out that I can do what I love in life and still make money lol. I sincerely thank all of my readers from the bottom of my heart for sticking with me for over a year, that's insane to me. And now "Sight" is almost at 30k readers! "Sound" is doing very good too, almost at 1k. So I thank you guys so much for this, I don't deserve it at all and I know it. But I want to make every single chapter for you guys and for myself. I hope you all have a wonderful day my friends

                                                                                                                            -Sincerely, Hannah Morey.

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