Chapter-33: "Welcome home,"

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An Author's Note

Thank  you for the 1k views, in just four months. I really appreciate all the views, comments and votes.

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"Can you stop ogling at Shifa, and tell me, how do I look?" Fahad states, with an exasperated breath.

"Me...Shifa? You look fine," Sahil replies while scooping a spoonful of bhaji, into his plate.

"Thank you. You can now, continue to do, what you were previously doing,"

Both the gentlemen, take their seats – Fahad, in front of Noor and Sahil, in front of Shifa.


"How do I cut this thing?" Jane questions, while trying to cut the puri, with a knife, for the hundredth time.

Noor chuckles, while swiftly, tearing the puri, into pieces.

"After breakfast, you need to change into official wear, as a Food Stuff member, comes to pick us,"

"Alright," They mutter, silently.

Noor looks at Fahad. "Fahad, why are you wearing your suit, already?"


"I think, I remember telling you, not to wear your suit, before breakfast!"


"Now, your suit will be messy, even before we reach the venue," As if, on cue, a chickpea, from the bhaji, lands on his suit, creating a stain.



Fahad changes, into a black tuxedo, unlike the previous one, which was blue.

He tucks the Entrance card, in his pocket, before joining Noor, who is heading off, towards, the team.


She slows down her pace.

"Hmm?" She questions.

"I am sorry,"

"For what?"

"I don't know. I just felt like, I made a mistake. You aren't talking to me, so..."

"I am sorry, Fahad. I am disturbed, because of a certain issue, which has crept, up,"

"Oh! Do you want to tell me, what it is?"


"That's ok." His smile falters, but, he continues, "May Allah calm your anxiety,"

"Ameen," She smiles while entering the elevator. "By the way, this tuxedo looks better, than the previous one,"


Noor covers her eyes, by perching her hand, on her forehead, in order to shield them from the burning sunlight. Unlike the moist weather, from the previous day, the weather now, has turned quite sunny.

They get escorted, towards the entrance. She gasps, as she sees the audience rise, in order to welcome them.

After cutting the red ribbon, indicating the official beginning of the Culinary Show, Noor and her team, take their seat, in the front of the audience, on plush – leather upholstery.

This show is a contest, which features, different cuisines, in India. People, from around the country, have gathered, here, to represent their own, cuisine.


After an hour of cooking and a half, of judging, the chief guests – Noor and her team, get a bite, out of all the cuisines. A bite out of 36 different cuisines!


The journey back to Saudi Arabia is quite a pleasant one. After a day, off, they resume their work, at their office.

"Morning," Noor greets Amy.

"Morning," Amy smiles, like usual. Noor sees, that a new piece of art, is put up, in the lobby, and an extra Coffee Machine.

She nods, in approval.

She takes the elevator, to her cabin. Outside her cabin, on the rack, she notices a bunch of letters, newspapers, and files.

"Welcome home," She mutters, to herself, while juggling the contents of the rack, on her hand, and opening the door.  

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