Chapter-20: "Do I look like the Chief Executive Officer of a Daycare?"

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Ameena didn't hate the Talibans, completely. She did, but, she had accepted fate, reluctantly. Yet, this man, who had arrived that day, to get Kasim, had turned on another switch, altogether.

She had, from then on hated the dark skinned people.


Noor tosses the Dismissal letter, into the paper-waste bin. She couldn't go through all the trouble, again!

She notices Mr. AbdurRahman take his seat, into the opposite room.

She had to speak her mind out. She was fuming; would be an understatement.

Her feet make a faint sound, as they glide across the marbled floor, of her office, in order to reach her Employee's cabin.

She doesn't bother, to knock on the door. She storms in.

If today was some other day, she would, maybe, smile; upon seeing his heart-warming smile.

Yet today, she didn't even let her body get ruled by her heart. Her mind is ruling, today!


"Why haven't you finished the paper work?"

"Ma'am, you know my mother..."

She cuts him, off, "Mother? Do I look like the Chief Executive Officer of a Daycare?"

He stares at her, bluntly.

"No. So stop dumping your problems on me," He flinches, at her tone.

"Yes, Ma'am," He mutters, "I-I'll do it right away,"

She exits the room, with a huff, not before glancing over at Fahad's sad face.


She couldn't concentrate. Her eyes kept darting over, at the empty seat, before her. Fahad wasn't there.

He couldn't leave, without informing his boss. She pushes her chair behind, before walking into the balcony.

The cold, yet subtle Riyadh wind flirts with her hijab. She sighs.

She spots a silhouette, behind the marble wall; which divides her balcony, with Fahad's.

Something shifts behind the wall.


"Ma'am it is, Mr. AbdurRahman," She mutters softly, while regretting her tone, from earlier today.

"Ma'am, I am sorry," He says.

She knows, he had figured out. He had to apologize for his mother's comment. She hadn't been born, that way.

Allah s.w.t had created her from the smooth mud, collected from the Earth. Not only her, but, all of mankind! Yet, every living being was created, in his own special way.

His mother wasn't thinking straight, under the sedatives the doctors had given. She had made a mistake.

Noor stares into space, while comprehending Fahad's apology.

"Ugly face," Matt, a boy, from her 6th grade class, had mocked, when she had worn her hijab, for the first time.

She was so confident, yet, his comment had faltered her self-esteem.

But, she didn't let it show. She still walked confidently.

She had liked him, for his personality. But, love for him had killed her heart, bit by bit.

Nobody apologized!  Yet, Fahad did.

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