The theif

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As the sun slowly raises the town fills with light,
And the children awaken from a slumber at night.
The yawns and sighs that come from the town,
The screeches of the queen and her missing crown.
The smirk from the thief who hid behind a house,
Only to be seen by a tiny little mouse.
The thief ran as fast as they could,
Knowing they did something that wasn't good.
If I hopped on a train and got far away,
I know I'm a thief but what can I say.
The thief thoughts ran deep into their mind,
Whilst the guards went looking for someone to find.
The guards took a quick look and saw the thief,
But didn't get their face since it was only brief.
The guards ran after the thief and caught him hiding behind a tree,
They took the thief to jail but it couldn't be,
It seems that the thief was me.

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