The lady walked off after she finished speaking, a knock sounding at the front door soon after causing Nellie to flee upstairs before she climbed out of her window and flew to the roof. She laid in her back and stared up at the sky, watching the clouds float by. Though she couldn't help but feel slightly guilty as she thought over Miss Peregrine's word; what was she really worried about? She knew Victor couldn't hate, like she could never hate him. She realised the ymbryne was right, even if the boy didn't like her back she could live with just being friends.

Nellie jumped off the roof and flew back into her room; she tucked her wings away and walked to the top of the stairs where the sound of chatter could be heard up the hall. She stood quietly to listen in to what was going on, curiosity getting the better of her. She could hear Enoch's voice mostly, but she could also hear Olive and Jake. The girl didn't know what they were up to, but by the tone of Olive's voice it didn't sound good.

'Enoch, you can't. You promised,' Olive reminded the boy.

'Olive is right. I do know someone who can break the rules though. Want to meet her?' Enoch asked.

Jake must've nodded because the trio's footsteps sounded through the room as they walked towards the staircase, Nellie ran to her room and watched as they marched past her room not even noticing she was standing by her window. Nellie furrowed her eyebrows; Enoch wouldn't do what she was thinking he was going to do, would he? Surely not. He knew the rules. She listened to their footsteps get further down the hall, making her walk forward so she was standing just inside her doorway.

'Enoch, don't do this! Please,' Olive cried; 'You want me to spend time well with him, Jake. We can all play together.'

'That's what you said. Well, here we all are,' Enoch chided as their footsteps stopped; 'Move, Olive.'

'If you're going to be like that, then I don't want to be your friend.'

'Enoch! Leave Rosie alone. You know how Nellie gets,' Fiona's voice echoed up the hall.

'Stop fussing, Fiona. Don't you think Jake should meet everybody?' Enoch sneered.

'He's trying to frighten you away, Jake. He was always jealous of Abe and now he's jealous of you. Come and play with us instead.'

'I'd quite like to meet Rosie,' Jake stated.

'After you,' Enoch said as he placed a hand on the door knob.

As soon as she heard the door click open, she moved outside of her room and began walking slowly up the hall; watching as Enoch and Jake walked inside the dark room. Nellie placed a finger to her lips, shushing Fiona as the girl noticed her; her little eyes going wide before she ran off to where the other children were playing. She knew the girl was going to get Victor; he was the only one able to calm her down except Miss Peregrine.

'Hello Rosie. I'm Jake. I'm sorry to disturb,' Jake introduced himself before looking confused as the pale girl didn't move.

'She can't hear you,' Enoch retorted blandly.

Nellie stormed up the hall then, her hands balling into fists as her eyes turned dark; no one touched or saw her sister without her permission.

'It's ok, Nel. He just wants to know the truth,' Rosie's voice sounded in her ear.

'No, it's not Rose. He shouldn't be near you,' She sneered before she reached the room.

The girl with wings stormed into the room and punched Jake into the nose, before she moved over to Enoch who was kneeling by the bed and grabbed him by his sweater; dragging him over to the window. She flung it open and dove through the small gap, Enoch flying out behind her; yelling loudly as the floor disappeared beneath his feet. Nellie flapped her wings, propelling them upward until they were above the house; Enoch hanging by the neck of his sweater, flailing around in her hand.

Angel Wings || Victor BruntleyWhere stories live. Discover now