Chapter 1: Reunited

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🔪3rd person🎓

Swish, swish, plomp.

Nagisa watched as the two of his classmates try to land a hit on their P.E teacher just to stumble down. The one who fell--Maehara--jumped up and continued slashing the rubber knife on his hand at his teacher. The other--Isogai--also doing the same.

The blue-haired boy kept his attention on the scene, which was obviously a one-sided fight, as Karasuma-sensei easily dodged every attempt of the struggling boys.

"See? You guys are not even fast enough to land a hit on me. Let alone an octopus in Mach-20 speed." Karasuma-sensei, an officer from the government sent to teach the students, said bluntly while ducking and sliding through the field. Nagisa's two friends clicked their tounges in annoyance and tried matching the speed of the professional assassin, but unfortunately, that would be too much to ask.

A tap on Nagisa's shoulder made him flinch suddenly, and quickly turned to see who the culprit was. And to his relief, it was only Sugino.

"Sigh. You scared me there, Tomohito-kun." The blue-haired boy pouted as the other man lightly chuckled.

"Sorry about that, Nagisa-kun. Anyways, let's go back? It's almost time already." Sugino flashed a warm smile and Nagisa returned the gesture with a nod. They turned their back and started to their rundown classroom as they talked about random things.

Rundown, yes. For that's what befitting them, right? That's what befitting for those who are at the bottom of the elite school of Kunogigaoka High. They're the class 3-E, the lowest of the lowest. They are the section that's outcasted, looked down, and criticized.

Then, why are these students holding and weilding knives?

Apparently, they've been instructed to cook a giant yellow alien-like octopus. Or was it octopus-like alien? Anyways, that's it. That's why right now they're being taught on how to handle knives properly and cut fleshes.

Not real knives though.

"Hey, Nagisa. Did you remember what Koro-sensei said last time?" Sugino asked as he turned his head to the boy beside him, not stopping on walking. Nagisa tilted his head up and pointed his pointer at his chin like he was thinking.

"Well...the one about the new student?"

"Yes. Looks like he's very troublesome." Sugino shrugged. Nagisa chuckled a little, considering that it might be true for the new student should've been to class since last week. Right now, they have no clue on who this student is.

"Haha, where did you get that idea anyways?" Nagisa asked with a light chuckle. Sugino also chuckled a little before winking.

"Sources." He replied coolly. Nagisa's mouth formed an 'o' and nudged his friend's side playfully.

"Come on. No secrets!" The brown haired boy chuckled again then sighed defeatedly.

"Fine. I heard it from the Main school." He said. Somehow, both their moods turned a bit serious, they stopped walking and faced each other. One body filled with seriousness while the other with curiousity.

"From the main, huh? So, what was it?" Nagisa asked.

"Well, they said he was suspended due to violence. That's very amusing to me, to be honest." Nagisa perked up when he heard the words 'suspended due to violence'. Sugino noticed the sudden interest of the smaller boy and gave a questioning look.

"Is there something wrong, Nagisa-kun?" He asked, concerned he said something he shouldn't have. But that feeling ceased when Nagisa gave him a gentle smile.

"No, there's nothing wrong." He said assuredly then turned to walk to the classroom again with Sugino beside him. "I just remembered someone with what you said."

"Oh? An angel like you knows a devil? How rare." Sugino gasped out, earning a soft smack from the pouting boy.

"Hmph. How rude." Nagisa scoffed which made Sugino laugh a little.

"Sorry, Your Highness." He gestured. Nagisa gave him a glare which made him turn his hands up, pledging innocence. They were about to pass near the cliff when a voice called out.

"Yo, Nagisa-kun."

Nagisa's eyes slowly turned at the direction of the voice, making them wide after seeing the owner.

"Karma-kun!" Nagisa gasped in surprise. Karma smiled genuinely at him while holding a carton of strawberry milk. He really loves strawberry, doesn't he?

"It's been a long time." Karma added as he hopped down from the trunk of tree he was standing on. Sugino kept his mouth shut not wanting to interupt the two, though his curiousity almost got the best of him.

"Yeah...wait. Why are you--no way." Nagisa closed his mouth and covered it immediately with his right palm in disbelieft and excitement. He just concluded a conclusion that part of him wish that it's true. And Karma acknowledged that with another smile.

"Why are you---wait again. Suspension?" Nagisa calmed himself down then tilted his head innocently to  the side as he asked. Karma just grinned like a cheshire cat and the blue-haired boy swore that he saw a tail wagging behind the redhead.

"Oh, is that the infamous Korosensei?" Karma suddenly asked that made Nagisa look behind him. There he saw the yellow octopus sulking at the sandbox. He sweatdropped as he nod.

"Heh~ Pretty interesting." The redhead eyed the sulking creature with an evil smile. Nagisa looked at him, probably observing his long lost best friend. Well, if he can still call him that.

"Wait here for a bit, Nagi." Karma excused himself and went to Korosensei while the confused boy just followed him with his gaze.

'Wait, Nagi?? When did I have that nickname?!'

A sudden 'pop' pulled Nagisa out of his trance and saw the scene with an 'I don't believe this, is this true??' look. Karma just made their teacher, a monster, back off as fast as lightning. Admiration, pride, and amazement flooded the mind of the boy as he focused on his friend.

' really amazing. Just as I thought.'

Karma felt a familiar and soft gaze on him, making him stop smirking and turn his head at the direction of his special best friend.


The shorter boy noticed Karma looking at him and gave him a charmingly warm smile. Karma blinked a few times in surprise but then recovered soon after.

'We're finally reunited again.'

And a smile with warmth painted his face.


A chapter! Yay! Did you like it? Oh, okay. *sulks at the corner*

Anyways! Like I said, there are some references in manga/anime and this will be in a veerrryyy slow update. This is my first writing a bxb soo, I'm sorry. ;^;

I DO hope you guys like this. Next time then~!!

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