"The length of the cut wasn't too long." she shrugs. "I thought we could just bandage it up."

"There's blood gushing from the cut." I say, kneeling in front of her. "That indicates that it's a deep cut, so-" I stop talking to gag a little when I see the cut up close. I fall back, covering my mouth with my hand. "I-I'm sorry, that's just-"

Harry groans, pushing me aside and grabs the roll of gauze. He keeps the phone between his ear and shoulder as he took care of the cut. He hands me the soaked paper towel to throw away and I quickly toss it. I shiver from touching the blood then I watch him wrap the gauze tightly around Quinn's thigh while he talked on the phone. I move over beside them and I could see that her blood stained his hands.

"It looks like you'll be missing out on twenty laps today." he sighs, hanging up the phone. He wraps his hands around her thigh to keep pressure on it. "Am I hurting you?"

"No, I-I'm fine." she says, glancing up at me. "I honestly didn't think it was that bad." she had worried eyes then looked at Harry.

"It's alright, luckily you came to us instead of trying to hide it with a bandaid." he smiles at her. "The ambulance will come, they will bring you to the hospital and you'll get some stitches." he tells her the plan. "You'll be fine."

Quinn smiles, resting her hand on his. "Thanks coach," they look into each other's eyes. "Will you come with me to the hospital?"

"Uh," he looks up at me then nods. "Yeah sure, if you want me to." he flashes his smile at her again. "You can handle the girls by yourself, can't you?" Harry asks me.

"Rylee," Quinn calls me. "Can you call my parents?" she asks, nodding her head towards the door. "My phone is in my gym bag."

"Oh no, I have parent's phone numbers in my files." he stops me from leaving. "I'll just get it-"

Quinn winces and sucks in a breath. "It hurts when you move your hands." she says, keeping his hands held down.

My eyebrows twitch into a frown and I give her a suspicious look. "I'll get it then." I say still staring at Quinn. "Where is it?"

Harry slowly kneels down again. "The third drawer on the right– your right, it's in a binder."

I open the drawer to reveal three binders. I pick up a random one, flipping it open to reveal an agenda and it flips straight to this week. I scan it and see the name Mary on today's date. It had a time and a place on it.

"Did you find it?" Harry asks, trying to look over Quinn.

I drop the binder, picking up another one. "I think I did." I say, opening the binder. "Yeah, what's your last name again? Sorry, I forgot."

"McCarran." both of them say in unison.

Quinn giggles. "Yeah, Quinn McCarran."

Harry laughs nervously, looking away from Quinn to me and I could see how uncomfortable he looked at the moment which was actually fun to see. "Rylee, hey, can you come take my place here? I need to- uh,"

"Oh, Jaxon is waking up." I interrupt him, quickly writing down the number then rushed over to Jaxon who was sitting up. "I should take him out of here before he sees all of that blood." I say then I start laughing. "I'll watch out for the ambulance for you and I'll call your parents."

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