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I can't believe that I actually made plans to meet up with him. We only talked once. I don't feel totally okay with this, Taehyung is someone really awesome and I can't denied the fact that he attracts me but.... If I fall again it will be problematic.
It's early to start thinking this things. I just have to take it easy and try to be friends and only friends.
I wouldn't be this afraid of being with a boy.... But that asshole really l left a scar on me. Only remember how stupid I was.... makes me want to throw up.

I was late,he was waiting for me in the coffee show we decided to meet. It was raining, way to much. That was one of the reasons for me being late. The second one was that, I knew this will happen, I was to nervous somehow.
When I was about to reach the location of the meeting, I saw that he was still waiting outside for me. In the moment our eyes met.... I felt like an arrow traversed my chest.
I stopped walking, my legs are not moving. I could feel how my breaths was turning heavy. Taehyung noticed that I wasn't moving anymore and started to walk on my direction. At this point I only have to options.
Run away or stay.
My mind wanted to run away but my body wanted to stay there.

- Y/N! Are you okay?
- Y-Yeah... Sorry. Let's go inside it's really cold.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah...

His hand got closer to my face and caressed one of my cheeks.

- Then..... Why are you crying?
- Uh?

I never realized the tears that were falling down my cheeks. I don't feel pain. Why I am crying... Ah.... it's all because of my trauma.
That arrow remember me that feeling but this time was different. It didn't hurt.

- Wa! Sorry! I walked here lost in my thoughts and ended up....
- Do you wanna go home? Want me to take you there?

I could notice that he was worried, it was written in his eyea.

- No no please let's go inside. Where are already here!

He nodded and smiled. His smile was like the second arrow and a signal that I'm losing it.


We were already sitting in the coffee shop and had already made our orders. Surprisingly we were talking like nothing happens before. Also we were talking about other things than books. This is not, probably, the first time I say but... I feel really comfortable, it been a while since I talked to someone like this... our is out because is him? I will discard that one. For now.
Our orders came and the silence with them. We were looking at each other with out saying a thing till he broke the eye contact and started looking through the window, watching the rain.

- Don't do that....
- Wh-what? - I could see his face turning red behind his hand.
- Don't look at me like that.... I can't take it....

Our faces were the same tone of red in that moment. I was embarrassed but I couldn't stop looking at him. He way he was trying to hide his face with his hand while looking outside was.... really cute.

- Ugh.... - he said suddenly - I can do that to!

Somehow, out of nowhere we started go have a competition of stares. Like kids. He was trying to hard, that I couldn't help but start laughing, he stared laughung as well.

- Your smile is really cute, now I am the one that can't do anything but stare.

That somehow didn't made me embarrassed, it made me happy. We started to drink our coffee while giggle at each other and also talking.
Maybe it's too early to think this but maybe it's not bad to.... Yes is early but I will try.

As soon as he went to the toilet, I started to get lost on my thoughts. Watching the soft rain, I remembered and said loud with realizing it.

- "It rains softly and we fall in love"

- "The rain brings love" by Valentine Fiquet.

I almost jumped of my chair when i heard it. Then I heard Taehyung laugh behind me, to next pass beside me and sit infront of me again.

- That's my favorite book and also what you said is my favorite part.- he said while smiling and looking at the rain.
- I also like it a lot. How the rain brings love again to two person who doesn't believe in love anymore. It a the book that describe me the best, that why I love it. - I said to realize my words next. I wasn't lying though.
- Ah.... Right, you told me that. - His expression went a little sad while trying to smile.
- But - I feel like a have to said this. His eyes met mines and I couldn't help it but looking other way - I hope that some day... because of someone... I will be able to feel what is being in love again.


Where were in the entrance of the coffee shop, waiting for the rain to stop at least a little but that was not going to happen.

- We should go Y/N, we are going to be late.
- Yeah you are right... I guess we are getting wet...- I was about to step in the rain, but he stopped me.
- I have an umbrella, let's share it!

I was a little uncomfortable, it was a little umbrella so we were walking really close to each other. When we were near the institute, started to walk more slowly and...

- About what you said before...-What is he talking about? - I really want to be the one who is going to help you...

What is he sayin- Ah... I know. I don't know how to respond to this. Somehow I don't want but I want it to be him. I will let my heart speak this time...

- I hope is you too...

Try. I will try.

It going to be okay....While we are frie-

I want to be more than a friend


I want to dedicate this part to one person that I hope is reading this.

•The way we met• Kim TaeHyung x ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin