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Everyday is the same. Staying in my home. Trying to think what I am going to do with my life.
Everyday is the same. Being alone. With only one friend. Who is always studying and dosen't have time for me. It's been like this since i finished high school. I want to start the university but I don't know what career i want to do. The only thing that i am doing is studying a language, but since is once a week it's not to much.

My parents seem to be okay with me taking half year to decide what i want to do. Half year because I can enter the university in the middle of the year. It only passed one month since i finished school, but it feels like time is going really slow.
All this time, I have been reading book of my favorite author. Valentine Fiquet, her books are always so sad, but always have a happy ending. The principal reason why i like her books is that she make me forget the bad things that happened to me, making me believe a little in love again. But when i finish them, I really don't want to fall in love....again. Because life is not like in this books.
I don't want to fall in love again... I don't need someone to be happy... I don't need someone who can be lying to me... And feel like a toy again...

"Y/N! Are you sleeping?"
"No Mom! I'm coming"

I was looking at the ceiling sitting on my chair,when i heard my mom calling me. I got up and went downstairs to see what she want.

"Yes mom?"
"On my way back here I saw that in your language Institute they added more languages!
Why don't you go and inscribed in a new language?"

I know why she is telling me this... I knew that she doesn't like me staying at home all day and going out once. I guess I will do it... I also want to do something more that reading.

"Oh really? Do you think I can go now?"
"You can. You can take money from my wallet to pay the inscription."

Before taking the money,I went up stairs to change.
I am starting to regret this...I don't know why.... I know that is not probable but... I hope he is not there...


There is to many people here... I will just do this quickly.
I still don't know which language i will choose, so i guess i will pick one randomly.
I walked to the table which has all the new languages, closed my eyes and picked one.
Hm? French? This is really a change.... I'm actually learning Japanese and I already know Korean, so this language is really different. I will go with it, it seems interesting.

I was going out the building, after signing up, looking at the schedule they gave me. I was so concentrated reading it, that i wasn't looking forward. Eventually, I ended up bumping into someone really hard ,the both of us fell in the floor. Since he hit my head with his chin, I stayed looking down while holding my head.

"Are you ok!?"

The boy got up really quickly and helped me to get up. I only nodded, my head really hurt. The boy started to caressed my hair saying that he was sorry. I started to look up slowly, then I met his eyes. We looked to each other eyes for a moment, then i looked away in embarrassment. He was a really good looking guy, he was really tall too.

"I am ok... Thank you"

He took a moment to react and then smiled, scraching the back of his head. He has a boxy smile, which i found really cute.
I shouldn't be thinking this... I better head home. I thanked the boy again and started to walk away. He looked like he wanted so say something more than the goodbye he said, but i don't think it's a good idea to hear it.


When I arrived home, I realized that i didn't have the schedule that they gave me. 'I probably left it when i bumped with that guy' I thought. It's not a problem actually. I remember the schedule, I have to go in two days.
Fortunately, I didn't see him. I don't know why I'm so afraid to meet with him. Maybe I'm scare that he would hurt me again or that i will fall for his lies again.
Also... I can stop thinking about that boy's smile. That boxy smile was really cute... I wish i could see it again....
Seriously... What am i thinking? I shouldn't be thinking about boys.... I decided not to fall in love again... I will be honest, i liked that guy, but it's not okay. Anyways, I won't see him again. Probably.

My parents looked happy about it. Now I will go out 3 times a week and maybe make some friends. I am really shy with people i don't know ,but i think it will be okay. I think.


I was already heading to my first French,after buying all the things I need. I was already wondering about the language, I actually never thought about learning this one. Now that I think about it. My favorite author,Valentine Fiquet, is French. So maybe i will be able to read a original ver of one of her books, when i finish the language. Talking about her, I dont know why I brought with me one of her books. It's not like i have time to read it there.
Without realizing I was already in front of the institute, so I hurry and headed to my classroom.I sat in the first place that i found. Since it was the first day, i don't expect to make friends right away.
When there were left five minutes before the class started someone sat next to me, and passed me something. When I checked it, I found out that it was the schedule that i lost two they ago. When i looked at the person who sat next to me, I found out that it was the boy from the other day. He gave me his boxy smile, I couldn't help but smile back.

"You forgot it the other day. Somehow i knew that i was going to meet you again"

I was really confused about his words. How can he know that? The scheduled have all the languages.... I decided to ignore that fact

"Thank you...You..."
"Taehyung, Nice to meet you"
"I am Y/N, Nice to meet you too"
"Your name is really pretty"
"Thank you" My face was probably turning a little red.

We talked a little before the class started.
I know that I shouldn't be liking this but... I don't think that this is not okay... To have someone to talk. Its going to be okay....

While we are friends...

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