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LOVE by Kendrick Lamar is not talked about enough. Wtf are all y'all doing, go listen to it, it's literal fire and needs more credit for being so perfect.

This is a Joey and lil Ethan chapter, and next will be a Joey and Austin chapter


"Baby!" I yell as I run into the house. I skip up the steps and into his room, seeing him playing with his trucks in the middle of his floor "Hi, Baby, I missed you" I kiss Ethan's cheeks.

"Hi, Mommy" He smiles.

"So, guess what Mommy did for her little baby boy" I sit down on the floor, pulling him onto my lap. 

"What?" He asks. 

"I got us tickets to go see the new Spider-Man movie" I gasp, and his eyes widen, and he grins widely.

"Really?" He asks, and I nod "Thank you Mommy!" He yells, wrapping his arms around my shoulders.

"You're welcome" I kiss his cheek "Now, get dressed so we can go" I stand back up and sit him on the floor. He runs to his dresser and grabs clothes, while I walk out of his room to change out of my work uniform. 

I change my clothes, and quickly straighten my hair, sliding on a pair of converse. 

Ethan comes into my room wearing his Spider-Man shirt, and I smile. I kneel down, and open my arms and he runs to give me a hug.

"I love you, so much Baby" I kiss his temple. 

"I love you, Mommy" 

"Alright, how about we get some food before the movie" I suggest and he nods. I pick him up, and carry him to the car, grabbing the keys on the way out. I put him in his car seat, and get into the drivers seat, driving to get him something to eat. 

After telling me he wants some Chick-Fil-A, I find the nearest one. I get a parking space, and help Ethan out of his car seat, before walking with him inside. 

I order him food while he finds a table to sit at, and once I pay, I walk to where he is and sit down. 

After about 5 minutes someone brings the food out to us and I sit down napkins before handing Ethan his food. He eats while swinging his feet under the table, and I smile at him.

"Do you want a fry, Mommy?" He asks, but I shake my head, and he gives me puppy dog eyes while holding it out to me "You have to eat it now" He giggles, and I smile and take it from him.

"Can I go play?" He asks, looking at the playground, and I look down at my phone to check the time.

"You've got 15 minutes" I tell him, and he nods before running off. I move seats so that I can see the playground in case something happens. 

My phone vibrates on the table and I look down seeing I have a call from Austin. I pick it up, and laugh when he starts singing. 

"What are you even singing?" I ask, and he stops. 

"Ooh, you answered" He says "That was Versace on the Floor"

{A/N: That's my mf jam and I'm listening to it now, and oh yes bitches, it's so mf good I'm sobbing}

"Hmm, good choice" I hum.

"It's my way of telling you I'm about to buy you some Versace to throw it on my floor" He says, and I can hear the smirk on his face.

"But, isn't it me that has to take it off for you?" I raise an eyebrow, and he chuckles. 

"I like the way you think Baby" 

"It's in the song!" I laugh. 

"Oh right, I forgot" He chuckles "But anyways, I called because I want to see you today. You can come over and we can spend the day in my bed, and I'll buy you ice cream, and rub your feet, and give you as many kisses as you want, then you can stay over and we can do the whole thing over again tomorrow" 

"I can't today" I pout, and he sighs. 

"But Baby, I miss you" 

"I know, and I miss you too, but I've got a busy day today. Can we do this weekend?" 

"Fine, I guess" He huffs. 

"Don't get all pouty, you big baby"

"I'm not, I'm not" He says, and I smile slightly. 

"I'll call you later, okay? I have to get my day started" I laugh. 

"Okay, talk to you later" 

"Bye" I say, and once he says it back I hang up the phone. I throw away all of the trash on my table, and walk to the playground, looking for Ethan. 

"Ethan, Baby, it's time to go" I call out to him, grabbing his shoes and hearing him yell back a 'coming mommy'. He comes down the slide and I giggle and he runs over, wrapping his arms around my shoulders. I help him put his shoes on, and pick him up once I'm done, and carry him out of the playground. 

"We gotta hurry to the movies" I tell him, walking out of the Chick Fil A, and putting him into the car. I drive to the movies, and help him back out. When we walk inside, we get in line, and I buy my tickets. 

"Popcorn?" I ask, but he shakes his head.

"No?" I ask in surprise. 

"I'm not hungry" 

"Okay, Baby, come on then" We walk into the theatre and get seats, and Ethan leans back in his seat. 

Once the movie starts, Ethan gets to mesmerized into the movie, and I can't help but chuckle at how much he likes Spider-Man. When the movie is over, Ethan doesn't stop thanking me for taking him, and how much he loves having a mom like me. 

"Do you want ice cream, Babe?" I ask, and he nods. I drive to a small ice cream shop and order him some ice cream. We sit on a little bench outside while he eats his ice cream.

"Mommy, Aunt Kat told me you have a boyfriend" Ethan says, and I choke on air. 

"She did, huh?" I say and he nods. 

"Do you?" He asks, and I think for a moment. 

"Yes I do" I nod, I'm not going to lie to my son. 

"Is he nice?"

"He's very nice" 

"Good" He nods, and goes back to eating his ice cream. 

I run my fingers through his hair and kiss his forehead, a smile on my face. 

I love my little boy. 

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