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Mystery guy
          Incoming call from Idiot
"Hey baby girl"
"Damn your voice is so beautiful. Imagine your face"
"I wanna see you"
"Then we could meet up at the park and return our phones back?"
"Then how do you expect we see each other!"
"Send me a picture. Duh."
"Then I'll keep bugging you"
"I don't care"
"So... What ya doing?"
"Talking to an idiot. You?"
"Talking to a beautiful lady"
"How do you know if I'm beautiful? I could be the ugliest person in the world"
"I don't know. I could tell by your voice."
"Are you gonna just flirt with me the whole time?"
"Who said I was flirting? I'm just saying the truth"
"Ugh whatever I got to go text you later"
"Hold up can you tell me your name?"
"I'll tell you mine?"
                        *hung up*
4th cht. Done.


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