Father's Greatest Fear (Elrond)(Requested)

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Warnings: Triggers, Angst, Depressed!Suicidal!reader, Angst!Elrond, attempted suicide, but don't worry ends in fluff

Pairings:Father!Elrond x Daughter!reader

Requested:Yes by ; I wanted to request an imagine where the reader is Lord Elrond's daughter and she is suicidal and he finds her nearly dead and then I was thinking of a moment between them that elrond lets himself show his emotions since he looks like a statue a lot in the movies

A/N: This is between Arwen's wedding and Elrond sailing west. Srry if it's long. Please Enjoy!

You felt terrible, you were tired and just wanted to be rid of yourself. You felt as though you weren't important to those who were important to you because they kept leaving you. First your mother now your big sister, your confidant and best friend. You'd let these thoughts stew inside of you until you couldn't take it anymore. So on a day you knew your father would be way too busy to notice you were gone from his side, you went to your bedroom and locked the door behind you.

*Timeskip cuz i'm already starting to get emotional*

*Elrond's study*

"Lindir, Did you happen to see where Y/N went? I wish to speak to her." said your father looking confused and a bit worried. He had noticed something different about you.

"I remember seeing her on her way to her room. Would you like me to fetch her for you, My Lord?" Lindir responds

"No, I'll go and see her myself. You are relieved of your duties for the rest of the day"

"Thank you, My lord." Lindir says as Elrond leaves the study.

Your father starts towards your room and he starts to sense something is wrong when you don't answer the knock at the door. He turns the knob and it's locked. He starts to panic, he tries to calm down but his instincts tell him something is wrong so he knocks one more time and then kicks down the door. Then he sees the most horific thing he could ever fathom, his daughter, his little baby on the floor half-dead. He rushes over not caring about the blood he's getting on his robe and he picks you up. He rushes you to the clinic, even though he was one of the best healers in all of Arda, he knew he was too emotional to act rationally. So he had his best apprentice care for you.


It's been a week since the incident and you still haven't awoken. Your father was starting to worry. You knew this because you heard him crying one night "What have I done? I knew something was wrong. Why didn't I say anything? I'm such a terrible father. How I wish Celebrian was here?"

This made your heart wrench even in your comatose state. When you finally awoke, the first thing you saw was your father. He looked a mess, his hair disheveled, his eyes bloodshot as if he's been crying. You didn't mean to cause this much pain, you thought nobody would mind,let alone care. "Ada, I'm sorry." you whisper.

His head shot up at your voice and his face lit up with joy that you were you alive. He shot up from his seat and hugged you instantly kissing your forehead. "I'm sorry my little flower. I have failed you for not noticing the pain you felt and helping you deal with it."

At this point you both were crying, "You have no need to apologize to me. For it is I who have failed you. I did not mean to cause you so much pain, I did not think anyone would care if I were no more."

He looked at you as if you had just slapped him "You have not failed me nor have you ever. You are my beautiful and perfect daughter. Why wouldn't I care? Don't you know I love you and that you are one of the most important things in the world to me?"

You shake your head 'no', he looks at you surprised. "I love you, my little flower. You are special to me and to your family."

You were starting to feel a little better, you could tell he meant what he said. You'd only ever seen you're father cry twice, the day your mother sailed to Valinor and the day Arwen was married. This was a heartfelt moment between you and him, he doesn't normally show a lot of emotion, though you always knew it was there you could always see the emotion in his eyes.

A few minutes later the door swings open and someone yell "Is she up ye...Y/N!" it was one of your older brothers, Elladan. He ran over and hugged you while yelling "Ro, Y/N's up! Get in here!"

The other twin comes in and tackles you, careful of your stitches tho, and says "We love you Y/N/N. And don't you dare forget it."

Soon after that your sister, your brother-in-law and your grandparents, Celeborn and Galadriel, come in and kiss your forehead and remind you of not only their love for you but your mother's love for you. You all knew it would take time for you to eventually heal emotionally, but this was a good start.

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