worse day of my life

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Im so excited I cant believe it my first mindless behavior concert I hope the like us. I wonder what it looks like, how it smells, what they look like in person. I wonder what they are doing now? Mindless behavior is the bomb although I don’t bragg about them on the outside but im exploding on the inside you just don’t know about it.

Juh-nay; we ready to go?

Ty mom; ty I know you not walking out this house without your jacket

Ty; but mom its 86 degrees outside

Ty mom; you never know the weather can change from hot to cold in split seconds you better go grab your jacket

Ty; but mom…

Ty mom; don’t but mom me go get the damn jacket so we can go. Unless u can kiss mindless influence good bye


Ty mom; don’t get an attitude now child before I slap the black of you.

Ty; ok mom

My mom gets on my nerves sometimes I just cant stand her but if I want something shes the right person to call :]. I went upstairs and grabbed a neon green jacket.

Ty; [talking to her self] opps I almost forgot my jacket

back to the pastNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ