Chapter 17: End

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One Year Later..

Salem POV

It's been over since that night. Tyler and I don't speak at all. I've tried calling him before, but he doesn't answer. Straight to voicemail. I'll see him around, but nothing happens. I act like I dont see him, he acts like he doesn't see me. I'll be alright, though.

As for Sam, he's like my best friend now. But we keep it on a friendship level. He tells me he loves me still, but he knows nothing will happen; he's just glad to be in my life.

Regarding the friends I made while I was with Tyler, specifically Jasper and Taco, we're still cool. We aren't as close as before, but I stil love them. 

Back to Tyler... I'm dissapointed. In myself, him, the relationship... It was hectic as fuck, but the time we spent together, I'll never forget any of it. I still love him, but I could never love him. Like, the way that I used to. But I'll always have a place for him in my heart.

Tyler  POV

I haven't spoken to Salem since that night I ended it. Trust me, I've fucking missed her like crazy. But when she spoke those words, I knew she wouldn't come back. It hurt and still does, but it's for the best.

When we first broke up, I was despressed as shit. She would call every once in a while, but knowing I'd never get her back, I couldn't answer. I couldn't hear her voice. So I avoided her.

Then I started seeing her again. She wouldn't speak to me or look at me, so I just did the same back.

It just sucks when you had something so fucking special with someone, and then it's all thrown away, and then y'all are like strangers.

But it's cool. I've gotten over it  now. But I definitely haven't gotten over her. I probably never will. I'm always gonna love her. But I'd never take her back, cause it's too much to deal with.

Whatever she's doing now, I hope she's happy. Even if she's with Sam, or moved onto the next nigga, I'll always be here for her.. even when we don't speak. I'm a call away and shit. But even if we never talk again, I hope she knows this.

And I hope she knows I'll always love her.

                                                                                 THE END

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