Chapter 3: Hurt

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3 Weeks Later...

It's been like, three weeks since that shit with Salem. And it sucks cause I do like her, and I see her everyday in the mornings when we leave for school. She goes to an all girls school, so we don't go together.

Tyler- MA, I'M GONE!


I chuckled and shook my head, skating off towards school. I guess I wasn't paying attention, cause next thing you know, I was swerving to the side and I ended up falling onto the curb, cutting my hand up.


I looked up and Salem was standing there with a worried look on her face. I just looked back at my hand, where blood was starting to ooze through the scrapes.

Tyler- Uh.. yea.

I stood up and dusted myself off with my good hand and I picked up my board to go and she grabbed my arm gently.

Salem- Here, I have a first aid kit in my car.

I chuckled.

Tyler- Not alot of good things happen in that car. So I'm not sure.

She looked away and her cheeks got red. She then turned and started walking off. Now I feel bad as fuck.

Tyler- Wait, Salem..

She didn't look back, just started walking faster.


I ran to her and spun her around. The expression on her face was hard to read.

Tyler- ..Look, I'm sorry, okay?

Salem- Just take the band aid and go away, Tyler.

Tyler- What the fuck is good with you? Like, damn, you always so damn salty.

Salem- Well why are you always being an asshole? You just left me in the woods that night, crying my eyes out. And now you wanna act like this?

She shoved me. I just laughed. That got her even more angry.

Salem- Fuck you!

Tyler- I know you want to.

She was fuming now. She took her hand and it connected to my cheek with a sting. She was standing there in front of me, cheeks red, breathing up and down heavily. Tears were starting to fill her eyes.

I didn't wanna see her cry again. I just turned and skated away towards school. My day is already starting shitty.

Salem POV

After I slapped Tyler, he left. I then went into my house and cried. I didn't even wanna go to school.

I went into the house, locking the door behind me, and going straight up to my room. I slammed the door and jumped into bed. I ended up crying for a little less than half the day.

Why? Why over something so small? Because, I actually like Tyler, that's the thing.

I thought about what happened the other night, over and over and I realized that I didn't mean it when I said I loved Sam. I really didn't. And now shit between Tyler and I is all screwed up. Shit.

Tyler POV

I'm in such a shitty mood today. No one can't tell me shit. That's how mad I am. Shit. Salem got me all fucked up. I really wanna talk to her, but I can't. She probably hates me.

Fuck that, I'm gonna talk to her. School was over now and I wasn't doing shit, so I'll head over there.

As I neared her door, I got nervous as hell all of a sudden. Pussy nigga. When I got to her door, I exhaled deeply and knocked. I waited a few minutes and I didn't hear anything. I knocked again and the door opened instantly, Salem standing there looking disheveled.

She had mascara running from here eyes down to her face, red puffy eyes, and hair all over the place. When she saw it was me, she tried to look away and wipe her face quickly but I grabbed her chin and turned her face towards me gently.

She just avoided eye contact with me. I feel like complete cow shit.

Tyler- Salem.

She wouldn't respond. By this time, I had let go of her face.

Tyler- Salem!

Salem- What Tyler!

Tyler- Did I make you cry?

Salem shrugged.

Tyler- Fuck that, Sae. Am I the reason why?

Salem- It doesn't matter.

She mumbled and I went in and she closed the door.

Salem- Tyler. Go. Please.

Tyler- No! Am I the reason why?

Salem- ...



With that, she started crying even more, running upstairs. I followed behind and she ran into what I assumed was her room. She slammed the door behind her.

I opened it up and she was laying in her bed, the covers all on her. I went and sat down next to her. I pulled the covers off of her and saw her laying there shaking.

I hesitated then tapped her shoulder. She didn't respond and so I rolled her over.

Tyler- Salem. I'm sorry as fuck. Like I really am.

Salem- Whatever, Tyler. I don't care!

I was angry as fuck now. I've been trying to help and talk to her and she doesn't even care?

I got up. I was pissed as fuck. I ran down the steps, Salem hot on my heels.


I stopped and turned to her and saw she was pleading me with her eyes. Fuck, I gave in.

Salem- Tyler, I'm so sorry. I am. I didn't mean it the other night when I said I loved Sam. I was just overwhelmed at the moment.. And this morning, I was frustrated, I didn't mean to hit y-

I cut her off by pressing my lips against hers. She was against the wall, either of my hands on the sides of her head. Her hands rested softly against my chest.

After a few minutes, I pulled away. She gave me a big hug.

Salem- Thank you, Tyler. I needed that.

She giggled a little and looked up at me.

Salem- Uh, my mom's gonna be here any minute. You should go. Or- if you wanted to stay for dinner, you can. But it's what you want to do.

I shook my head. She looked a little sad.

Tyler- I can't. My mom wanted me home right after school to watch my sister.

She nodded.

Salem- Alright. Oh, do you want my number?

Tyler- Right. I forgot. Okay.

We exchanged numbers and she gripped my shirt as she kissed me passionately. She pulled away and smiled and I swear I felt something in that kiss.


Tyler is dumb as fuck. Thinks I don't see shit. But I know what happened this morning, that night, and just now. All I know is, he better watch his back.

Cause Samuel's here.

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