Start from the beginning

"Son, this isn't petty theft or a bar fight we're talking about, Archie. This is murder." Fred argued with his son. "Okay, fine. Then we'll go to the sheriff without you." Archie's hand moved down to grab Athena's who looked between the parents in shock. Fred had a point, but the fact was is that there was no gun in FP's trailer before the dance and then suddenly there was. It didn't make sense. "Archie, you entered FP's residence illegally. So, whatever you did or did not find there would be inadmissible in a court of law."

"I don't care what happens to me," Archie said, throwing his hands up. "I do care. FP may have ruined Jughead's life, I'm not going to let him ruin yours." Silence followed as the parents left the house with their respective children, Athena still sat on the couch, attempting to think of where Jughead would be. "Athena, are you okay?" Her knight in shining armor sat next to her as she continued to stare and the ground with wide eyes. She said nothing and reached over and laced their fingers together so they were holding hands.

"Why did everything have to get so complicated?" She tucked her feet up on th couch and placed her head in his lap as he played with her hair which would usually soothe her but she was wide awake with no signs of sleep in her eyes. "Do you have some clothes that I can borrow?" Athena mumbled out causing Archie to nod and slowly shuffle out from under her, resting her head back on the couch as he went to go get some clothes. Athena felt horrible. She wasn't even involved in any of it, but Jughead didn't know that. He didn't know anything.

Archie returned in changed clothes with a small sweater and some grey sweatpants causing Athena to smile and sit up. "These are from a couple of years ago. They'd probably fit you better than anything I have now." Athena nodded as he gave her the clothes causing her to hug them to her chest and sigh. "Thanks, Arch. I'll just get changed in the bathroom." Athena began to sit up causing Archie to shake his head and take the clothes out of her hands. "The bathroom is freezing. Just get changed in my room." Athena couldn't help the thankful smile the came across her face as he grabbed the heels out of her hands and walked with her up the stairs.

She quickly got changed and collapsed next to Archie on his bed as they sat in silence before Archie and Athena's phone buzzed causing them both to look at the text. 'You guys, I'm worried about Jughead.' It read from Betty causing Athena to sigh out and slip on some old sneakers she had left at Archie's house before. "Let's go find Jughead." She stood up before dragging Archie into the cold, wet weather of the night. Betty joined up with them at the front of Archie's house and they brainstormed the places he could've gone. "He would head to Toledo. He has nowhere else to go." Archie told them causing the girls to nod and head out.

Ending up at the bus station, they banged on the doors to find it dark and locked. "From what he said in the hall, it seems like he wants to get to his mom in Ohio." Betty whipped out her phone to only see no new messages from her boyfriend. "Anything?" Archie asked causing Betty to sigh out and shake her head. "No." Athena wrapped an arm around Betty and gave her a small smile. "Maybe his phone died." Athena optimistically offered before receiving a sigh and a shaking head from Betty.

"Or maybe, the only friends he has just completely betrayed him," Betty said with a shaky breath and glossy eyes. Archie's phone began to ring causing the teen's eyes to light up with hope. "Is that him?" Betty asked with a hopeful voice. "No, it's Veronica. Hey. You okay? I'm with Betty and Athena. We're looking for Jughead. We're at the bus station, but it's shut down for the night." Archie had his conversation with Ronnie before smiling and looking at the two girls in front of him.

"Pop's. We're going to Pop's." The three walked there, meeting up with Ronnie in the process. As they opened the doors and the annoying bell chimed, they saw the depressed-looking and lonely Jughead, sitting alone in a booth with a coffee on the table. "Jug," Archie called out but he didn't even glance at his so-called friends after the betrayal he felt. "Jug, we're so sorry about everything." Jughead continued to look out the window, not even glancing at his girlfriend. "Juggy, we screwed up. We all did, well except for Athena. Breaking into your dad's trailer was wrong, but at least some good came out of it." Archie softly said causing Jughead to let out a little chuckle. "Pretty sure my dad was just arrested for murder."

Cigarette Daydreams // Archie Andrews (1)Where stories live. Discover now