Start from the beginning

"I already asked Jughead, point-blank, if he thought his father had anything to do with Jason's death, and he said no. And I believed him, and I still believe him." Betty desperately attempted to defend her boyfriend's father. "I grew up with Jughead and his father and there is no doubt in my mind that FP is not a murderer." Athena defended her friend and his father but to no avail. "You're both way too close to this."

"I'm not going to insult Jughead or betray him by entertaining this. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a Homecoming Dance to plan." Athena shook her head at the adult before turning to face Betty. "Come on, V, Athena, let's go." Athena walked out right behind Betty and into the hallway to her classes. During lunch, they decided to sit in the freezing cold which Athena completely disagreed on. "Sorry to interrupt, but I have an announcement to make. One that tangentially involves you, Betty. I'm bringing Polly to the dance as my date, and we're campaigning as co-queens of Homecoming Court." Athena sighed.

She was always out of the loop when it came to her families' conspiracies, but in some ways, she was glad. "Because why?" Everyone was confused, especially Betty. Cheryl has always claimed to hate Polly and the Coopers so why be nice for a change. "Because, Nightmare Smurfette, by all rights, it should've been Polly and Jason on that stage being crowned. This is the next best thing. So, don't forget to vote, and I'll see everyone at my coronation!" Cheryl strutted away, leaving the group alone once again.

"Betty, about the Homecoming Dance, can I play a couple songs? I kind of told my mom that--" Betty was giving Archie a mixture of anger and conflict whilst shaking her head. "Whoa, you don't want me to?" Betty tried to make her decision sound nice. "No, no it's not that, Archie, it's just, um This dance needs to be fun. And your songs, as amazing as they are--"

"They make you want to slit your wrists. In a good way." Jughead finishes. "In an amazing way," Athena reassured him as he looked like he was becoming self-conscious about his amazing songs. "But no need to fret, Betty. Cause Archie asked me to sing with him, and we're thinking about doing some upbeat covers." Ronnie assured Betty whose face calmed down once she was assured. "We are?" Archie was clearly not a huge part in the decision-making process of his own performance.

"Aren't we?" Ronnie smiled innocently before dragging Archie away to practice their set. Athena had agreed to help Betty set up for the Homecoming as she was swamped. Athena held the ladder steady as Betty put up decorations. "Hey, you." Jughead comes in with a box of lights and in an especially cheery mood with a huge smile on his face which was very unusual. "Why didn't you tell me about the dinner?"

"What?" Betty tilted her head with confusion and glanced at Athena who was shrugging and shaking her head. "Your mom basically tackled me in the hall to invite my dad and I over before the dance. Did you not know?" Jughead's smile faltered and Betty was quick to reassure him. "No, no, of course, I've just, you know, got so many-- Plates are spinning."

"I'm a little terrified about the social experiment of it all, but I think it's good for our families to get to know each other. I think it's important for us. You know?" Athena looked at the two, skeptical. "Yeah." Betty smiled before Jughead walked away. "You didn't know did you?" Athena asked Betty who shook her head and sighed before continuing her decorating.

+ + +

The Blossom sisters and Polly prepared for the dance, only doing their makeup to start off with. "Oh, Pollikins, it's much more fun being friends than mortal enemies. And I'm glad we're honoring Jay-Jay's legacy together. This color totally pops on you." Cheryl did Polly's eyeshadow as they did their faces. "Okay, so I was thinking. The theme for the dance is Blast from the Past, right? So, I say, we go retro and borrow some of your mom's vintage bling for the night. Ooh, you're naughty, Polly." The girls sneaked into the parents closet which isn't allowed at all. "My mom and dad would fah-reak if they knew we were in here. So, let's take our sweet time."

"How many wigs does your father have?" Polly asked as she searched the drawers. "One for every mood," Athena mumbled out. "Legend has it that Clifford's hair turned white overnight. Supposedly, he saw the ghost of Grandpappy Blossom with his throat slit. Now, me, I love a silver fox, but we Blossoms live and die by our red curls. My father tried dying it once, but--" Cheryl stops mid-sentence causing the other two to go towards her.

"But what?" Polly asked "What is that? What did you find?" Athena questioned before seeing what was in Cheryl's hands. "My nana's ring." Polly gasped as she stepped back from the two girls. "Which she gave to Jason. He-He proposed to me with that ring." Polly stuttered with rage "So how does your mother have it?" Athena was truly shocked. Had her parents killed their beloved son and heir to the Blossom Maple syrup empire? Athena highly doubted it. Polly reached towards the ring before her hand was smacked away from Cheryl.

"Hands off, Gollum." Cheryl keeps a cool tone as she continued to look at it. "The only way your mom could have that ring is if she or your dad got it from Jason, and he wouldn't have given it up. Not over his dead body." Polly threw accusations at their mother before reaching for the ring again, only for her wrist to be grabbed by Cheryl causing Polly to gasp. "Polly. You are carrying precious cargo, but if you think for one second that those babies guarantee your safety, you're in for a rude awakening." Athena ripped Cheryl's hand off Polly's wrist and walked her out of the room, back to their own.

Holy guacamole, 781 reads. It's insane. Thank you to everyone who's read this.


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