{1:19 pm}

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Grayson: I want to do something fun

Ethan: like what?

Grayson: like go to a amusement park

Ethan: that sounds nice.

Grayson: or go to the zoo

Ethan: ok whatever you want.

Grayson: or beat my boyfriend's cheating ass.

Grayson: your pick.

Ethan: what are you talking about Gray?!

Grayson: let me just ask you this. Can I be your real life barbie doll?

Ethan: what? No Grayson..

Ethan: first of all your a guy

Ethan: and second you don't have blonde hair

Ethan: and what are you even talking about?

Grayson: ohh so I see. You have to be a girl to be a barbie doll? And have blonde hair?

Grayson: sounds like a whore I know.

Ethan: your not making any sense Gray

Grayson: I'm talking about you cheating on me with Meredith.

Grayson: that's right I know you bitch ass.

Grayson: I should beat both of your bitch asses.

Ethan: woah wait. Slow down.

Ethan: first of all Meredith is just a friend.

Grayson: literally my face when you just said that.

Ethan: stop acting like that you know your the loml

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Ethan: stop acting like that you know your the loml

Grayson: wow can't even spell it out. That's so reassuring Grant

Ethan: you are the love of my life Grayson. No one and I mean no one can ever replace you. If you are not with me my life is over. You always will be the only one for me, I love you baby boy. <3

Grayson: I'm fucking crying

Grayson: but she better find her place quick.

Grayson: I will drag her barbie in real life ass down the street and give my friends that stand on that corner the show they have been waiting for since I mentioned her.

Grayson: I love you btw :) <3

Ethan: there will be no dragging of anyone baby.

Ethan: wait how do you know the prostitutes on the corner down the street?

Ethan: and their your friends???!
Read: 1:26

&quot;Wtf Gray&quot; // Grethan Where stories live. Discover now