Nate got more threatening and by the time Friday rolled around, I was afraid to go and see Mark. I  was afraid to walk out the door. I thought about calling the police, but the things he said were not illegal. I brushed my hair and fixed my makeup in the mirror by the front door. I thought I looked nice. I felt a strong presence in the room, and turned to see Dark. "What are you doing here, douchebag?" "It's Dark, moron. I'm here to see what you have up your sleeve. Probably more diamonds from Nate." he said, mockingly. "Go away, Dark." "No thanks. Looks like you're heading somewhere. Where might that be?" "None of your fucking business. Beat it, demon boy." "Let me tell you something, you airheaded bitch: if you're heading over to Mark's you'd better be on your best behavior. I can't stop you from going since Mark still holds a bit of you close to his heart, but I can stop you from coming back if you pull any more shit. You are on the thinnest ice possible. Personally, I think he's dense for letting you set foot into his house. I cannot believe he is. Nate has been up in your guts more than Mark has and you've only known Nate for a few weeks. I mean, come the fuck on. It's pretty obvious you're a little slut who would drool on the balls of any dude who gives you a second glance no matter if you're single or not. I guess Mark might have a thing for fishing sloppy seconds out of dirty bitches." I tried slapping him, but he moved too quickly. "You know, you really are a fucking hypocrite. You jump inside of people and demons any chance you get. I've seen and unfortunately heard you getting it on back when you lived with Mark. Several times a day, several women a day. What say you?" "Sex is meaningless to me. It fucking feels good, that's all. I don't bond with people or demons through banging. Besides, like I said, no relationship means no cheating." "You called me a slut. Sounds like you're more of a slut than me." "I called you that because that's what I call anyone who shits on a relationship for a good fuck...or in your case, multiple presumably good fucks, some diamonds, and the satisfaction of knowing you'll probably fool Mark into getting back with you just so you can have a safety net when Nate moves on to the next bimbo who catches his attention." I wanted to hit him so bad. "You're wrong, but you can think whatever you like. Why do you even care about what Mark does?" "He's my human, idiot. I have to care to an extent. Besides, I know him better than his own parents. He pisses me off to no end sometimes. I've beaten the holy hell out of him on more than one occasion, but he is my friend and he doesn't deserve a cheater." With that he disappeared, leaving me feeling a bit shaken. I may have played it off like I wasn't afraid, but I am absolutely terrified of Dark. We have never gotten along, but this is the first time he's ever been upset with me, and he's horrifying when he's upset. I walked out the door and got into my car. Safe. I sighed and started the engine, pulling into the traffic. The drive went smoothly until I passed Nate's place. At that time a black car pulled out and trailed me closely. I couldn't see the driver, but I was pretty uncomfortable with them following me through every turn and lane change. The farther we drove, the less likely it seemed that they were not following me. I pulled into Mark's and the car behind me did, too. I froze, unsure of what to do. Getting out might get me taken, staying in might get me taken. Decisions, decisions. I saw Nate step out of the car. "So this is where Mark lives. Nice digs. Not as nice as mine though." I rolled my window up. "Don't be that way, baby." he said, leaning against my door, keeping me inside. I saw Mark standing in the front window, looking a bit puzzled. I tried flagging him down, but I don't think he saw me. "Where have you been? I've been so lonely without you." He looked into the window. "No answer? Or is the glass between us keeping this conversation pretty one sided?" He smashed my window in with a watch, then smiled as if nothing had happened. "So now, answer me, baby. I really have missed you." "Nate, please, don't do this." I said. "Don't be absurd, I've done nothing wrong." he said. "Nate, please. I don't wanna talk right now." "You wanna talk to him." he said. "Yes, I do. Him. Not. You. You're scaring me." "Did it frighten you when I smashed your window? Don't worry, I can buy you a new car. Any make, any model, any year...from anywhere." "T-that's nice, Nate, but I no thank you." I said. "Baby, you need me." he said, reaching into the window. "Please, stop." I said, growing desperate. "You must be Nate." I perked up at the sound of Mark's familiar voice. Nate looked up. "I'm Mark." "Charmed, but I'm busy right now." Nate replied. "I think (y/n) might want you to go. I know I do." Nate snickered. "So?" he asked. "This is MY property. You're trespassing right now. Go away." "Trespassing? Is that right?" Nate asked, standing up straighter. He was much larger than Mark and I started to worry. "Yeah, you need to pack up and leave. You cannot be here." Nate straightened his jacket. "I should kill you for looking at me." he said. Mark looked more confused than anything else. "Look, if you don't leave, I'll call the cops and have them make you leave." "Will you?" At that point, Nate just took off after Mark. I called the cops and reported the matter before jumping from my car, expecting to see Nate still chasing Mark. Instead, I saw Mark pinned on his back while Nate took hard swings at his face like a wild animal. I panicked, but saw a flash of black whip right by my head. I had no idea what the fuck it was, but it scared me. It didn't take me long to see what had happened. Ole Dark made an appearance on behalf of Mark. He didn't kill Nate, but he may as well have. "Dark, the cops are coming. Stop!" I said. He looked at me, growled a bit, and walked off. I helped Mark up. "Are you okay?" I asked, worried. "I'm fine." he replied. "No, baby you're hurt." "Not badly." he said, pushing me away a bit. We passed Dark. "Your fault. Strike one." he said, looking right at me. Mark stopped dead in his tracks. "Go, Dark. You're not helping matters." He reluctantly left. The cops came, asked just a few questions and left with Nate. I sat with Mark and held an ice pack to his face. "I have some explaining to do." he said, looking at his face in my compact. "I'm sorry." I said, beginning to break down. "It's not your fault. I'm sorry I never believed that this dude was an actual threat." I shook my head. "Mark...I love you." He looked at me. "I love you (y/n), but I don't trus you right now." My heart ached hearing but he was right to say it. "I want to work on things." I said. Mark looked deep in thought. "Clearly Nate was not the man you expected." "I didn't have any expectations for him. I just...fell into some shit." Mark looked pained again. "I don't know what to do." he said. "What do you think you should do?" He looked at me for a long time. "This." he said, bringing me into a deep, decadent kiss. It was like the first time we kissed all over again. Magical. Beautiful. Long lasting. I broke the kiss. "I don't trust you right now, but...if we work on that, we might work out. I love you too much to give up...but you cut me deep, baby." I knew I did. "Then you rubbed salt in my wound over and over again." I didn't wanna listen to it, but it was true. "I know, I'm sorry. I wouldn't blame you for dumping me right now." "It's been a long few weeks...but I've missed you. I think you deserve another chance." he said. "I love you." I kissed him again. "How about pizza and games?" he suggested. 

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