"Zo!" Maria called from behind me. I turned around and there stood Nathan. He was Maria's older brother that was in college. He was a year older than us and I secretly always had a slight crush on him.

"Mar! Hey!" I smiled hugging Maria.

"You remember Nathan." She said pulling her brother closer to us.

"Hey!" He said waving at us. I felt my cheeks slightly burn as I waved back. Brody came behind me, and wrapped his arms around me, connecting them at my stomach.

"Care to introduce me Zo?" He asked me. I nodded.

"Brody, this is Nathan, Maria's older bother. Nathan, this is Brody, the quarterback back in our football team, and a close friend of mine." I introduced. Nathan nodded to him and Brody grinned.

"How about we go a take a seat?" Baley asked, breaking the awkward silence between us. We nodded, as Brody put his arms round the nape of my neck.  We all sat at a booth, big enough for all of us. Jax and Julianna sat next to each other, acting all lovie dovie the whole time. Some people may call it gross, but I found it quite cute my brother had someone to love so much. I could tell Nick wanted to do the same with Baley, but he was being kind and simply taking it slow with her. The most they were doing were holding hand in public. They hadn't had a major make out session, and Baley loved that he was going slow. Brody seemed to be un comfortable at something, but I couldn't tell.

  We were all talking about random things, when Nathan asked me if I had a boyfriend. I saw Brody tense at the question, as I put my hand on his knee, not in a romantic way, but as I way to relax him a bit. His head darted to look at me. I grinned at him, before answering Nathan.

  "No. I don't have a boyfriend. I never have, and I don't anticipate one any time soon." I said, taking a sip of my water I ordered.  Nathan smiled, as he nodded. I felt my phone buzz as I pulled it out of my bag. Brody texted me and I looked up at him, but he was joining in in the conversation. I read what he texted me.

  Brody-ur blushing

  That's it? He always shows emotion in his texts, but this one was simply the words 'ur blushing'. How? I decide to ignore it as I respond.

Me-why do u care?

I watched as he stared at his phone, frowning. He looked at me, then shook his head. He placed his phone down once again, and continued on with his conversation. I looked at my phone, and he didn't text me back. I was so confused at what he was trying to tell me, that it hurt my brain.

Me-I've liked him for a while ok! Is that ok with u?!

I set my phone in my bag as I look at Nathan, who is smiling at me. I gently tuck a stray piece of my hair behind my ear. I leaned against the hard wood of the booth, relaxing my muscles. I felt phone going crazy, I grabbed it from my purse, to see lots of messages from Brody.

Brody-why do I care!!!! Really!!!!
Brody-how can u like that doosh!!!
Brody-no! It's not ok with me! I don't like him!
Brody-I'm done!

I stared at my phone in utter confusion. He put his phone in his pocket, standing up. I watched him, my eyes traveling down his body. He was slouched down, not as confident looking. He had his hands in front of him, as he played with them. He didn't make eye contact with anyone, just stared down at the floor.

"I need to go. Cole's, is it okay if Baley or someone take y'all home?" He asked, looking at my brothers, completely ignoring me. We all nodded. Confused on what was happening.

"Great. Bye. I was awesome meeting you Nathan. See ya." He waved, walking off. He left the restaurant. I watched as he went towards his car, before I leaped out of the booth. I began racing out he door, when Maria and Baley called after me.

"Zoey! Where are you going?" They asked me.

"Something's wrong, and I'm figuring it out." I quickly said, racing to Brody, about to get into his car. I grabbed his shoulder and turned him to face me. "What just happened?" I asked. He sighed, running his hands through his brown hair.

  "Zoey. I'm sorry. Just go back to your friends and lover boy." He sighed, turning to his truck. I shook my head, getting in front of him.

  "Not until you explain what's going on!" I demanded. He stared at me, as if trying to solve me and what was going on inside my brain.

  "Nothing." He muttered. I shook my head, taking his face in my hands. I was usually able to get things from him, but today he was being stubborn.

  "Brody. I'm not leaving here until you tell me exactly what his happening. I care for you and I don't want you hurt." I said, my voice getting softer  at the end. He looked me dead in the eyes and scowled.

  "If you don't want me getting hurt, then never speak to me again!" He yelled. My whole body went numb as the words spilt form his mouth so easily. He moved me from in front of him as he climbed into his car. He drove off, leaving me there, upset, and sad. I sat my self on the curb by the cafe, as my eyes began to burn. I pulled my knees up to my chest and stared into the open roads.

  "Zoey!" I heard from behind me. I turned around to see Nathan. I turned away as I once again faced the roads.

  "What?" I asked, my voice cracking. He took a seat next to me, wrapping his arm around me. I rested my head on his shoulder as I stared to cry.

  "I thought he cared for me. If he really did, then why did he tell me to never talk to him again? Why do I feel so hurt right now?" I cried. Nathan had now lifted me on to his lap so I was straddling his waist, and he had his arms wrapped around my in a hug. My upper body was in a small ball shape, resting on his chest. He stroked my back, comforting me.

  "He's a confused boy that doesn't quite know what he's feeling for you." He whispered. I sniffled, as I looked up at him. He grinned at me, kissing my forehead gently. "But I know what I'm feeling." He smiled. I blushed, resting my head on his chest once again. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. He stroked my hair, as we sat there in silence.

  "What do you feel?" I asked him, breaking the silence. I didn't look at him, nor did I move. I just sat there, listening to his heart beat inside of his body.

  "I like you Zoey. I have for a while now." He admitted. I could tell, my cheeks were a bright red. I didn't move, but wrapped my arms around his torso and gave him a squeeze.

  "I like you too." I said, taking in his sent as I closed my eyes.

The Player's CheerleaderWhere stories live. Discover now