Unkown Protection

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Same old.  The alarm rings and i wake up to get ready. Makeup, hair, downstairs, food, bag and out the door. I am more nervous today than yesterday because of Mina But i do have chaeyoung today so i hope it will get better.

I walk into class and suddenly Mina begins to laugh followed by her friends and even other boys. Great she is in my class. i walk to my seat and sit down next to chanyeol who is actually awake and doodling on some paper. I take out my notebook and start to write...

***time skip***

Me and Chaeyoung sit down again for lunch in the same place as yesterday. We are still getting to know each other but we are not awkward at all. I finish my meal and take mine and Chaeyoung's trays to the bin. I empty the trays and turn around when i see Mina walk towards me with her friends. " Ahhh, the newbie." She says as she barges into me causing me to fall. all of her friends are laughing and then the whole cafeteria start to join in.  

***chanyeol's pov***

I'm sitting with EXO eating lunch when Sehun comes over laughing. "OMG guys have you seen thenew girl! Mina just pushed her over in the middle of everyone!" For some reason i feel bad for her, but i can't  do anything, i mean why would i? I don't know her. We all ggo towards the crowd forming when i see Chaeyoung helping Sunny up and them both walking out of the hall. Everyone else calms down and returns eating when Mina spots me. Great. "Oppaaaa. Did you see how funny i was and how all the boys were round me" she says trying to sound cute. "Yeah. what of it?" i state coldly and walk out.

I go and sit back in the classroom where i see Chaeyoung and Sunny laughing. How is she laughing? She is surely unique. I go and take my seat next to her and they both go quiet for a minute then begin talking and joking together again. "Oh i forgot my notepad. I'll be right back." I hear Sunny say and look up. Chaeyoung looks at me for a minute and then looks down. I know she has a crush on Baekhyun so i always tease her. She is probably the only girl in the school who i get on with since she doesn't like me. " How is Baek?" I say to her causing her to look up in anger. "Shhh. Someone will hear you idiot!" She spits, whilst i laugh at her. Suddenly a boy comes running in with a few friends laughing whilst rooting through their bags. "OMG she's pinned up against the locker!!!" "Quick grab your phone, record it!" Chaeyoung suddenly stands up and rushes out the door. I follow her and as i turn thecorner there isa crowd of people stood around chanting and screamng.  I walk towards the crowd and see over the top of everyone that Mina has Sunny pinned against the locker. I don't really get invlved in stuff usually but Mina will stop if i tell her and to be honest i don't like Mina so i decide to walk towards them both with everyone moving out of my way.

***Sunny's pov***

I have my eyes closed. I hate being in school and it's been two days. Mina has me pinned and i think she is gonna hit. I open one eye and see her hand in a fist as she gets ready to launch, i close my eyesready for the impact. But i feel nothing. I open my eyes slowly to see someone's back. "O..o..oppa, what are you doing?" I hear mina tremble. "Why are you going to hit her? What has she done to you Mina? Wooww you really are a horrible person, this is why i would never be with you." I'm still in shoock from everything thats happening when the body turns around and i look up to see Chanyeol. Why is this cocky boy sticking up for me? " You should go." he says to me, when Chaeyoung comes running over to me. "Sunny! Are you ok? Come on lets go." "Oh yeah, um thankyou." i say to Chanyeol and bow slightly when Chaeyoung puls me away.

***time skip***

The rest of the day i  couldn't focus on anything. Why does she want to fight with me. Why did Chanyeol protect me? These questions were in  my mind and still are whilst i walk home. Suddenly i am yanked backwards and my face hits something hard, it smells nice though? i look up to see chanyeol, and look ahead ofme to see Chanyeol's chest. I quickly stp back and he giggles. "Red face there huh? New you couldn't resist me." He says with that cocky attitude. "Why did you do that!" i shout at him flustered. " Wow okay walk into the road next time princess. Wait, that's two times i've saved you and you shout at me,Ha." I turn to look around me and notice that i nearly walked into a busy road, i must have been lost in my thoughts again. "Ohh." i turn to face Chanyeol again who is smirking. "Well thanks but you didnt have to." I state. It sounds cold but he is too cocky and full of himself for me to be polite to. "Okay next time i should let you be hit by a car and be beaten up:Noted." He say's laughing. "Well why did you stop her from beating me up, no one else did?" I say under my breathe and start to walk away. " Oh don't get me wrong princess, i love a good cat fight but there are two reasons." He say's walking next to me. "1, i become a hero and the girls love me even more and 2, i don't like Mina." I look up to him to see that he is smiling to himself. Woww he did it for his own sake not to help me. Huh, why did i expect differently from him though? I cross over the road quietly and head home, i don't think he even noticed.

I get home and eat some ramyun. It's horrible living alone and boring so i do my  homewrok and then go straight to sleep.

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