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I head towards the head teachers office to recieve my schedule. The head teacher is really nice to me and takes me to my class so that i don't get lost.

He opens the door and suddenly the room is filled with silence. I feel the eyes watch every move i make.

" Wait is she a foreigner?". "Eww"... Everyone starts to whisper whilst the teacher heads over to me.

" Hello, you must be Sunny? I am Mr. Park your teacher. how about you introduce yourself to the class" He smiles as he motions me to speak.  "Oh, yeah. Um.. Hello everyone" I bow. " My name is Kim Sunny and I am from England, it's nice to meet you" I Turn to face Mr. Park who is stood next to me. " Okay Sunny, thankyou, you can take a seat next to Chanyeol at the back". As i turn around i see all the girls start to whisper whilst the boys are laughing at them. I walk towards the back and see a boy with smooth black hair lay with his head on the desk. I take my seat and the teacher begins the lesson.

"Okay class, you can self study from now until the end of the day, i will be coming in and out so no moving seats". Mr.Park says as he leaves the classroom. The door closes waking the boy from my side. He jumps and looks up at me.

***Chanyeol's pov***

I wake up from the door banging and look up to see a girl with big brown eyes and long brown hair, with a fringe. She is clearly not Korean but she's really pretty. Wait. What am i saying i don't  find anyone pretty. She is looking at me a bit confused, probably because i was sleeping.

"Who are you?" I decide to ask her. "Oh sorry, I'm Sunny and i will be sitting here from now on" She says happily. Why does she smile so much? " Well no one sits here". I say sternly, i have to keep my reputation. I am the kingca, who is cold towards anyone apart from EXO. "Well i guess that has changed". She replies with a smile but i can sense the cockiness. 

"Oppa your awake!"I hear someone shout, then all the girls start to squeel. Nothing new really, but i see the look on Sunny's face. She looks confused but what does she expect i am incredibly handsome. " What's wrong princess, never seen a popular,handsome boy before?" I question her. She will be head over heels for me soon, they all are. "Actually i have" She looks at me and smirks. " They were just alot more handsome than you". She looks away. What! Who does she think she is speaking to me like that. She thinks she can beat me? Huh, game on.

***Sunny's pov***

Wow! How can such a cocky boy have all these girls around him. He is handsome but i mean he is so rude! Let me guess he is what they call a 'kingca', the ones who act like they own the school. But if there is a 'kingca' they will definately have a 'queenca' as well.


The school bell interrupts my train of thought and i begin to pack up my bag. I wiggle my way through the girls swooning over Chanyeol and head towards the cafeteria. " Hiiiii" I hear a sweet voice say full of excitement. I turn around to see a girl running towards me with Short brown hair and a pretty pale face. " You are the new kid from England right? Wow your so pretty! My name is Chaeyoung, We should be friends, I mean if you want, you don't have too haha!" She looks at me and smiles. " Of course! Thankyou, you are pretty as well!" I say, someone actually wants to be my friend. We both walk to the cafeteria getting to know each other and take a seat to eat lunch. Whilst we were chatting everyone suddenly goes quiet and we look up to see a group of about 6 girls stood above us. " your the new girl, huh. Woww, i guess they aren't all as beautiful as they are made out to be" She laughs and so does everyone else in the cafeteria. I decide not to say anything and just look down. " Look, Mina it's her first day please leave her alone", Chaeyoung says to her in a soft voice, i look up to give her a thankyou smile." " Ohh sureeee, but we will be seeing you again, not at my party of course. Watch your back newbie haha" She says as her and her friends walk away.

What a great first day.     

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