Chapter 1

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Pov - Camila

There's too many people in this club. Way too many. I'm not one to shy away from a party, but this was too much for my liking. The lights, the music, the crowd - it was all too much. I was happy to be here though. It was a really exclusive event, and I was so glad Lauren was able to get us in. Lauren. That's who I wanted to see right now. All these girls around me were trying too hard. They must've really had to work the bouncer to be let in here. But Lauren, she had connections. She's one of those people who always has a hook up, a friend, a connection. Lauren could get in anywhere she wanted. She could do whatever she wanted. But no matter how many sources she had, I had always been her number one. We were best friends. Sisters. Irreplaceable to each other.

I had to find Lauren. I wanted to get out of here, but she was the one who had driven us. I headed toward the bar. That's probably where she'd be. I waded through the dense crowds of dancers in the club. Finally, I got to the bar. And there she was. Lauren was absolutely trashed. I had seen her drunk before, but this was a whole new level of wasted. She was gone. I grabbed her hand, and she slowly looked up at me.

"What are you doing?" she asked me.

"Let's get out of here. You need to get home."

"Come on Camila! Why do you have to be such a buzz kill?" This was clearly going to be a lot harder than I had anticipated.

"Lauren, you can't get any more drunk than you already are. There's no point in staying here."

"There's no harm in trying. Come on Camila, give me three more shots and then I promise we can go."

I was not about to give in. It pained me to see her like this. Lauren was my best friend, and if she wanted to do this to herself, she could. But I couldn't let it go on any longer. She had done this before, and the last time it had almost killed her. It was time to go home.

I grabbed her arm and pulled her away from the bar. She was too drunk to fight back, and had to accept fate.

"You bitch! I had the next one paid for!" was all she could say before passing out.

I picked her up and carried her through the crowd. Luckily, some guy helped me get her to the car. I laid her in the back seat, and drove to her house.

Lauren's house was beautiful. I had only been once before. The modern look was easy to get lost in. But now wasn't the time for admiring architecture. I had to get my best friend to bed. I picked her up from the back seat. She was still out cold. I carried her to her bed and laid her down. Then I went back downstairs and lay on the couch. If she had the hangover I expected she would, I was going to need to be here for the whole day.

I woke up as the sun poured in through the windows. It was a beautiful morning. I was unsure of my surroundings, and my head hurt for a second. I sat up, taking everything in. Right. Lauren's house. I crept up the stairs and peeked in. She was still fast asleep. I figured it would be best to leave her that way for a bit longer. Sleep would help her recover. I went back downstairs and made some coffee. The warmth flooded my body, and I felt that alertness that only caffeine can bring.

My head was still throbbing. My memory was a bit hazy, so we must've gone pretty hard last night. Things tend to get that way when Lauren and I go to parties together. I walked out onto the deck and sat outside, taking in the fresh air. It was nice to relax after such a chaotic weekend. My vacation was just starting, so I was worry free. I bathed in the sunlight, enjoying the start of a new day. Then I heard a voice calling out.

"Camila! Where are you?" That was Lauren. She must've come downstairs just now. I walked inside and there she was, in the kitchen. She was still in the same little black dress she had worn last night.

"How are you feeling?"

"Oh, shut up! You know how I feel!"

"Yeah. Sorry." I definitely didn't, but it was best to stay quiet and just agree with her. The morning after, she could either be really lovey or really aggressive. I still had to test the waters and find out which Lauren was waiting for me today.

"Why don't you head upstairs and get changed? I'll make some breakfast for us."

"Aw, thanks Camila. You're the best, babe."

Babe. She hadn't called me that in a while. It had been a long time since anyone had used that word to describe me. So it looked like I was in luck. Lovey Lauren was here this morning. Not that that was the greatest thing, but anything is better than her angry side.

She went upstairs. I figured she might need some help, but I'd let her make that call. I grabbed a pan and started frying eggs and toast. The smell of oil and grain wafted through the air, a sweet and inviting scent. Drawn to it, Lauren came back down in a pair of sweats and plopped down on the couch.

"What's that? Smells great," she said. I assumed she would be hungry after everything she drank last night.

"Just some eggs and toast," I responded. I could tell already it wasn't going to be enough, so I started putting some more eggs in the pan. I brought the first round of food over to her, and it was gone within a minute.

"Oh my god, that was delicious! Make some more!"

"I'm way ahead of you," I said, grabbing her plate and putting the second batch of eggs on it.

"What did I ever do to deserve a friend like you Camila? You're so sweet, and kind, not to mention how fucking gorgeous you are!"

Woah! That took an unexpected turn! But now that Lauren was saying things like that, I couldn't help but see her in a different light. I knew she wasn't fully in control yet - she was clearly still a little drunk - and yet, I couldn't ignore the feeling her comment made me feel.

"You're so good to me Lauren! I couldn't ask for a better friend. You know I love you."

I was going to test the limits here. See how far I could push her. It was kind of weird, but I wanted to see how much I could make her say. I wanted to hear that voice talk about me, about what she loved, what she needed. I wanted to hear her say 'I love you' back.

"I love you too babe."

And there it was. We were no longer friends. I knew she didn't know what she was saying, but I did. I was sure as hell Lauren wasn't just my best friend anymore: she was so much more than that.

I walked over to the couch and kissed her. Just a quick, soft kiss, just to see how she would react. But I never could have guessed what would happen next.

Lauren stood up and grabbed my waist. She thrust herself into my arms and began kissing me aggressively. Her lips locked with mine, and we were off. Her hands glided up and down my back as I tasted the liquor on her tongue. We stayed there for a moment, lost in time, lost in each other, before she pulled away.

"You fucking hoe!" she laughed to herself, sitting back down on the couch.

I was at a loss for words. How did she do it? How did someone kiss so passionately, make a moment feel so real, so genuine, to then just laugh it off like it was all just a joke. Well it wasn't going to be a joke for me. By the end of this vacation, Lauren was going to be mine. I was sure of it.

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