meeting her

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Camila recieved a phone call from from her manager. She was going to performing with fifth harmony for one of their shows.

She was nervous because she hasn't seen the girls or talked to any of them since she left. Especially Lauren, it was going to be really awkward with her, since they sorta had a "thing"

today Camila had a m&g with some fans so she got some lunch and went straight away. It took her about an hour to get there.

when she got there she saw so many fans waving pictures and handmade posters. It brought a smile to her face.

after a long day there were only a couple of fans left. she met one fan called Emily.

"Hey what's your name sweetie" Camila asked with a smile.

"My name is Emily" she answered "and I wanna ask you a question I've been dying to know"

"Go ahead sweetie I'm listening" Camila said

"Was.. camren real" she asked.

Camila hesitated to answer. It was about 30 seconds of dead silence.

"Um..yes..I mean no sweetie no it wasn't real" she finally replied.

"Oh.. well it was amazing meeting you thanks" Emily said.

everytime sometimes asked Camila that question she wished she could tell the truth. Camren was real. but their record label wouldn't let them publicly announce that they were together. It broke their hearts.

So eventually they no longer could be together. Which affected the group.

Camila had rehearsals with them and was so nervous to see them all. What would they think? Would they be happy? Annoyed? Mad? what would Lauren think.

She arrived at the place and all 4 girls were there to greet her with big smiles on their faces.

"Omg Camila !!!" Dinah screamed.

"DINAHH" Camila screamed and jumped into her arms

Camila gave all of the girls a hug, including Lauren. They then went inside to start rehearsals.

Rehearsals went great. They had breaks in between for lunch. On one break normani and Dinah went to the snack table to grab some snacks and ally had to take a phone call.

Leaving Lauren and Camila alone.

"So..." Lauren said

"So...." Camila answered

"So.. um..I hear you're dating Shawn mendes"  Lauren said while trying not to look in her direction.

"Yeah..yeah" she answered "he's great ya know"

"Yeah that's um..that's cool" Lauren answered all cool.

"Yeah..." said Camila.

Stuck in the middle (shawmila X Camren)Where stories live. Discover now