Sussex Coast College

Start from the beginning

But Fabien decided to not go into detail with that thought.

"Um, no thanks Sarah, I'm alright here..." He blushed at his stupid reply.

Sarah went a bit pink too but she had her friends to gossip too, so at least she could avoid the little awkward essence in the air between them both.

Sarah Middlesbrough went through secondary school as Gina Mcgiverens' one and only best friend until oh no oh no little Will decided to ruin their friendship and date them both at the same time. The red haired girl had matching freckles but covered that up with make up; making them look softer. She alway wore jeans , even in the summer and was quite an average height.

"Oi oi, oi oi!" Speak of the devil, Will walked into the room. After scanning the students for potential victims of this lesson, he automatically turned to face the board at the front of the class.

"Ugh, the hell is the French Revolution anyway ahaha!"

We learnt it in year 10, shut up. Fabien thought it, thinking he had enough power too send the message into his mind. But no, will carried on being the obnoxious person he was; taking all the attention of the class as if they're staring eyes were a drug to him.

Fabien pulled his backpack in as Will walked down the aisle, making sure he wouldn't kick it himself because that's the sort of person Will was. He only wanted to ruin other people but apparently to everyone else he was funny and cool.

"I'll be sitting here," he pulled the chair out of the desk which was declined by it's desired taker.

"Oh, cool!" Dotty, one of Sarah's friends, said. She was quite goofy and hyper. She had brown, curly hair that fell just past her shoulders, tanned skin and thin lips.

Danielle, Layla and Melanie made up the rest of Sarah's friendship circle. Danielle was tall, dark skinned and had full, plump lips, with black hair. Layla was practically the same except for some little features ;her nose was smaller and less pointy, she had smaller eyes that she occasionally used dark eye liner/shadow on to make them stand out better and her legs were shorter. Melanie was the eldest, she had ombré hair and was fairly tall, slender and had a few brown freckles across her snub nose.

Sarah was agitated at Will still, even though it's been over year since the relationship drama, she hated him for ruining her popularity. As her status had lowered ever since.

"Good morning class," greeted the teacher, he walked in swiftly with with a box full of purple books. The man was un recognisable, Fabien thought ,maybe, he was a cover teacher.

"Oh good day! ...Mr Potter is it?" Sarcastically, but not funny, a wannabe Gina Mcgiveren replied to the mans' kind welcome. She, Serena Bade, had obviously made the Harry Potter reference because of his circular glasses.

The supply was small and old looking, possible about 60, he had grey hair and quite wrinkled, thin skin. Fabien stared, straining his half vampire eyes to make out what the school lanyard said. 'Mr Strictly' was what the small letters read on the card that was fastened by a clip onto the top of his smart trousers.

"Very funny, uh -"

"Serena, sir, ugh," she said it like a little spoilt 10 year old brat...

"- Serena but no, I'm Mr Strictly and I'm your new history teacher for this term,"

The class started chatting about their new history teacher, Fabien was wrong about him being a supply then.

"Ok, can someone hand out these books," he gestured towards the stranded box full of them, on the floor, Fabien offered to do the chore.

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