Chapter 13

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Jacob's POV:

I was surprised when she said that the picture of Seth on Nessie's phone was the wolf. It could mean that the girl that Seth has been dreaming of is her. The only problem is that I still don't trust her, even if Nessie does. But after Nessie had told me that they would be perfect for each other just like us, I couldn't help but want it to work out for Seth if nothing else. Dixie parked the car under a streetlamp on one of the side roads before we all got out.

I stretched some as she tossed her shades into the purse clutch thing she was carrying, and I couldn't hide the flinch as I saw her eyes. She seemed to notice because she flinched in return before looking away from me and towards the ground. Nessie was by my side in an instant and took my hand, afraid that I wasn't calm enough. I gave her a small smile before gently squeezing her hand, I'm always calm when I'm with her. ;

"I think we should go over some basic....guidelines." (D)

"I agree." (J)

"Let me approach the person alone, it's harder to persuade them if their attention isn't on me alone. At least fifteen feet, once they're under you can both come closer." (D)

"And if you start to lose control?" (J)

I saw her look up at me with an almost worried, even mournful expression, before she turned away. Nessie started projecting the image of her from earlier today with her silver blue eyes to try and remind me that she wasn't dangerous. But even Dixie seems unsure of that right now.

"Then stop me. Kill me if you have to, I wouldn't hold it against you." (D)

"Dixie! We would never-" (N)

"Done. After you then." (J)

I saw Nessie about to argue with me as she looked at me with a shocked look on her face, but Dixie only nodded as she started to walk down the sidewalk. Nessie sends me a few more messages and images as she scolds me for making such a deal with her, but it's my job to protect humans from vampires that want to kill them. It's my literal reason for existing as a shifter, so I kind of ignore my imprint on this one as we trail a few feet behind Dixie. A few moments later and a jogger is headed our way. I see Dixie 'trip' just a few feet in front of him and he immediately stops.

"Are you alright Miss? Here let me help you."

"Thank you. I think you want to walk with me into the alley right there don't you." (D)

"Yes.....yes I do."

I watched with a bit of surprise at how easy and quick it all was. Nessie and I follow her into the alley and stop as we watch her put him into a ten minute nap. She starts her timer, before pulling out an antique looking pen-knife. She moves the strap of the guy's tank top before she slices his shoulder and starts to drink. I can't help but flinch before becoming tense as we watch her, Nessie sending me constant thoughts as we watch her. At five minutes her watch beeps and she stops immediately pulling away from the guy.

She cleans her knife before putting it back into her pocket, and keeps watching the guy. As soon as the timer goes off he starts to blink his eyes but she's already back on the street walking. Nessie grabs my hand and we hurry to catch up with her where she's waiting under a streetlight. As soon as she sees us coming she starts walking again, this time coming to a small boutique and stopping before going inside.

We follow after a few minutes and see her paying for some stuff already in a few bags. She hands the woman some money and does the same thing to her as the guy in the alley, only this time we're close enough to hear what she's saying.

"I think you look tired. Aren't you tired? I think you should take an eight minute nap, don't you? Take a nap and forget about this moment. Just relax, forget you ever saw us, and close your eyes and sleep." (D)

The woman is asleep as soon as Dixie finishes this and the whole process is repeated, this time with Dixie making a cut on the woman's hand. Ten minutes later and we're on the move, or hunt I suppose, for more as I carry the shopping bags from the boutique. Dixie doesn't say anything to us as she continues. An hour or two go by this way and she meets another guy on the street and a barista in a café, before she stops and I see her shoulders tense. She looks back at us and I see a new look in her eyes, one I haven't seen before as her eyes flash to solid black. I step in front of Nessie and watch her every move, and she finally speaks to us since she started.

"Hold true to your word Alpha Jacob Black." (D)

She speeds off and we're left running to catch up to her one street over and in a dark alley. I see a young boy with a black eye and split lip run out and crash into me, landing on the sidewalk before I can catch him. I help him up as he stares up at me a bit, a mix of fear and shock on the little guy's face.

"What happened son?" (J)

"An angel came to save me from Sully."

Before he says another word he runs off and we run into the alley to see Dixie holding someone up against the wall. She doesn't put him under, rather she tells him that he can't make a sound. I expect to see the pocket-knife but instead she bites his arm, and the man starts to flail around but he doesn't make a sound. I'm sure he would be screaming if he could but he can't. She pulls away again before she lets out a sharp hiss at the guy. It's then that we hear what she's telling him as she holds him against the wall.

"You won't touch that little boy again will you. You won't even go near him, or any of your other victims will you? Because if you do the Angel of Death will be back for you. Don't you agree." (D)

I see the man nod and she nods as well, before biting his other arm. He seems to silently scream again before he passes out against the wall. I crotch and prepare to shift to get her off him, but Nessie stops me with a touch of a hand. She starts to walk toward Dixie before I can stop her, and she touches her gently on the shoulder.

Dixie pulls away from the man and hisses for a second before she freezes. I see her shoulders drop some and then watch as she tosses the man aside. Nessie keeps her hand on Dixie's shoulder for a few seconds more before pulling her into a hug instead. I stand from my position as I watch Dixie returns the hug before she walks back out of the alley.

Nessie hurries to walk beside her and holds her hand as they walk. I shake my head at my little imprint as I watch Dixie stiffen some initially at the contact before she seems to accept it. We make it to the car and Dixie turns to look at me with worried silvery-blue eyes. Nessie comes back to my side and takes hold of my hand smiling at me some as we see Dixie bow her head in what seems to be shame or perhaps embarrassment.

"I'm sorry. It seems I've had a bad case of luck finding the humans that bring out the worst in me." (D)

"What happened Dixie?" (N)

"That was the neighborhood bully. He was beating up a little boy simply because he could. He told me it wasn't the first and it wouldn't be the last before he laughed at me and threw the little boy down. That was the breaking point for me. Children deserve love and acceptance, not rejection and pain and everything else that I was given as a child. Thank you Renesmee, for stopping me." (D)

"You barely needed stopping, you hadn't lost control yet. And you should call me Nessie, everyone does." (N);

I see Nessie look towards me with a pointed look before I get the message, that I too should say it wasn't a problem what happened. I don't agree completely because it looked like she would have lost control if we hadn't been there, but if I had come across the guy beating up a little kid then there isn't a guarantee that I wouldn't do worse to him than she did.

"'re alright with me. Still a bit weird, but so is Nessie." (J)

"Sure, says the big bad wolf." (N)

I watch as Nessie laughs some and then watch as Dixie joins in a bit slower than anyone else in the family would have. We climb back into the car, Dixie putting the shopping bags from the boutique in the empty seat next to me, before we start back home to Forks. I see Dixie look at me in the mirror and I smile some watching as she returns the smile before a curious look crosses her face.

"May I ask you two something?" (D)

"Of course Dixie." (N)

"It's just I've been trying to figure the two of you out since this afternoon and I'm just not sure yet. What's your relationship to one another exactly?" (D)

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