Chapter One

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Beneath the makeup and behind the smile I am just a girl who wishes for the world.

-Marilyn Monroe


“Alright so that’s just one small skinny flat white with no sugar.” I said in the sugary sweet tone that we were obligated to use.

“Yup.” The petite blonde haired girl in front of me was practically radiating happiness. It almost hurt to look at her.

Jesus Christ, I thought, how the hell does someone look like a freaking ball of sunshine?

I told her how much it was, she handed over the money, she said thank you, I said no problem and have a great day. The usual procedure.

“Hi, how can I help you?” I chirped as the next person in line stepped forward.

“One large black coffee. That means just coffee and no sugar or milk,” a nasally voice spoke. No shit. I snorted and slapped a hand to my mouth when I realized that I just snorted in front of a customer. I looked up at him with widened eyes.

“Oh my god I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to do that. It was an accident. Oh my god,” I rambled.

“That was very rude and offensive. Get your manager,” He boomed.

“I’m sorry. I really need this job. I didn’t mean to I swear. Please don’t get me fired,” I practically begged.

“Get your manager, now!”

I was about to turn around and get my manager, who already hates my guts, before another voice joined the conversation. “Oh fuck off.”

“Excuse me?” The balding man gasped.

“Oh you’re ignorant and deaf, are you now?”

“I’m sorry-“ The old man started.

“Apology not accepted.”

He glared and the blonde haired teenager. Is everyone in this country blonde? “Do you know who I am?”

“No and I don’t think I want to.” He rolled his eyes.

The old man turned to face me. “Don’t just stand there pathetically. I thought I told you to call your manager.” I was taken aback from his hostile tone and didn’t dare wait any longer for him to get even more riled up.

“Stop.” I turned back and looked at the blonde boy questioningly. “I’ll pay for your fucking drink and you can never come back here again.”

He put down twenty quid, much more than a cup of coffee is worth and plopped himself down in a booth across the café.

“Are we all good now?” I faced the greying man again. He just nodded while I told Calum his order.


After the now red-faced man left I let out a sigh of relief. What was his problem? I took out the change from the cashier and walked over to where the blonde haired boy still sat.

“Here you go.” I dropped the change on the table. I turned away but before I could get back to where the coffee machine was he stopped me.

“Keep the change.”

“That’s like 16 dollars,” I spoke unbelievingly.

“I’m not an idiot. I said keep it.” He shrugged.

“Well I’m not saying no to some cash so sure.” I shrugged as well and picked up the money slipping it into my back jean pocket. “Oh and thank you. I didn’t think that he was ever going to shut up.”

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