Gather Round, Children

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The very same night, the King of Hearts gathered his three Princes in the indoor garden. Baekhyun was in an amazing white regalia complete with an ermine cape. His petite eyes were framed with black eyeliners to make them stand out. Two card-ladies helped to pin some medals on his overcoat. Another card-lady was busy adjusting and readjusting his posture so he would look good in the future daguerreotype picture. However, one silver medal wasn't fastened well enough that it fell from Baekhyun's overcoat. And it was his favourite sun-shaped medal.

The alert Chanyeol got up from his seat to pin it up back for Baekhyun. But, a strong grip on his forearms deterred him. A low grunt followed. Chanyeol looked up and saw his father's angry face.

"You shouldn't disturb your brother on his special day." The King of Hearts' fleshy cheeks reddened. "Shoo, boy! Go back to your seat. Come only when I told you to." Soon after, he released Chanyeol from his grip. Chanyeol trudged back to his seat with a glare.

Why? I'm only trying to help...

There Chanyeol was, back in his own seat. Beside him, Sehun was playing with a brass music box, winding and unwinding it. The two seats where Chanyeol and Sehun were instructed to sit were covered with white silk, trimmed with an English frill and surrounded by white roses. They were really beautiful, but they were far away from Baekhyun and the busy photographers. A little too far away.

The music box played Beethoven's Für Elise.

"Ready, young master?" the photographer popped his head in and out from behind his over-sized camera. The falling mini-curtain obscured his features.

"Yes." Baekhyun sat all set for a picture, his back straight as a mountain, his dark-lined eyes penetrating through the lens.

"Hana, tul, set!"


The flash exploded into a sprinkling of fire sparks.

"Good. Can you give me a wider grin, please? Hana, tul, set!"


With the second flash, fire was sparked in Chanyeol's eyes.

"That's my good son!" The King waved his hands, signalling the end of the photography session. "All right, all right, enough with the picture-taking. You all will exhaust the Ace of Hearts. No more now for I have a proclamation to make."

The team of photographers and card-ladies went out of the indoor garden, leaving the King, his Princes and ministers inside. "Children, come here," he beckoned. Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Sehun stood beside their father. Baekhyun's exquisite regalia and decorations casted a dominating shadow over people next to him.

"Today, I shall present the next rulers of Wonderland to all of you for the first time. Remember these faces—one day, the Fate of Wonderland depends on them." the King began his sombre speech. "In my absence, they will take the responsibility assigned to each of them. Sehun, the youngest will be named Chancellor of Hearts."

Sehun shut his music box, asking, "Appa, what is a Chancellor?"

Chanyeol shushed him in a curt manner.

The King continued, "Upon reaching the age of twenty-one, Sehun will be the head of the Government. The second Prince, Chanyeol, will be appointed as the Prince Regent of Hearts—a deputy to the Future King—assisting him through crucial times whether high or low they are."

Chanyeol felt his forehead throbbing.

"And as for my eldest Prince, Baekhyun, I have no hesitations regarding my definite choice. I knew him well enough to judge. He is a very kind and wise person and I am sure that he would be an outstanding ruler one day." The King lifted Baekhyun's arm to the air. "All hail the Ace of Hearts!"

The ministers hailed, chanting Baekhyun's name. They threw themselves to the ground, saluting. The name meandered through the garden. The voice of a collective crowd was overpowering, building up, higher, higher and higher...

"Father! What did I ever do wrong to you?" Chanyeol's exclamation shocked the crowd. Their reaction on Chanyeol's humiliation of Baekhyun was as if watching a great ship sinking. "Tell me, dear father, what flaw do I contain till you have forsaken me?"

"No, Chanyeol, that wasn't the case—"

Chanyeol gave his father no time to reply. "Why? While I was the one with the figure and finesse of a leader. I am well-built, strong and skilled in battle. I am the best you could have to lead our people in wars. See, the Looking-glass kingdom will someday declare war on us. I can harness the power of fire, something more superior to a human flash-light! And even someone so fragile is to be appointed as Chancellor!"

The father raised his voice. "Stop it, Chanyeol, we're in a—"

"Or was it my fault to be born moments after my twin brother? Or was I too flawed in your eyes?" Chanyeol bombarded his father with more questions. The temperature of the garden became higher. The grasses around him began to wilt. "Oh, father, dear father, I can see it now. From the beginning you had favoured Baekhyun more than me. You praised him and condemned me. You treasured him and restrained me. You awarded him and punished me! Am I only a paradigm of failure in your eyes? Answer me now, answer me—"

A slap landed on Chanyeol's warm cheek. The father couldn't stand the humiliation any longer. His palm became raw and scalded, but this must be put to an end. "Strength is nothing without wisdom. I thought your strength could complement Baekhyun's wisdom to lead this kingdom ideally." The King rubbed his temples. "It failed."

"Yes, father. I failed." Tears rolled down Chanyeol's eyes seconds before they fade into steam. So, he was right. He was nothing more than a failure. His opinions said, he went running out of the garden.

Baekhyun called for his twin, "Wait, Channie—"

"Don't call me Channie!" Chanyeol yelled back at Baekhyun and disappeared.

Seeing his only family torn asunder in front of his very eyes, the King later suffered the same affliction as his mother. Disenchantment had devastated him. From that day on, he became detached and withdrawn, knowing that what he had hoped for was burned down to ashes. And like his famous mother, he died slowly and painfully afterwards. According to the custom in Wonderland, the new King is crowned the day the old King passed away, before the latter could be buried. The later the new King is crowned, the later the burial of the old King will be.

Baekhyun, overcame with grief, sobbed in front of the Royal Hall. Black strands hung under his eyes. The crown prince was crying on his coronation day. "Baekkie," the younger twin approached him. "You shouldn't be crying on your coronation day. Look! Your eye-lines are ruined!"

Baekhyun wiped his eyes with his knuckles, further distorting the outlines. "I guess you're right. Channie, where is Sehun?"

"Oh, Sehun, you say? He's right behind me. Sehunnie, say hello." Chanyeol gave little Sehun a nudge. Sehun woefully said his hello. "Say it!" Chanyeol whispered to Sehun.

"B—baek hyung, let's go to the garden." Sehun said, stammering.

"What for?" Baekhyun asked.

"I left my wooden Gryphon there. C—can you find it for me?" Sehun said with a trace of sadness in his eyes.

"Sure, but only for a while. Baek hyung will be busy, understand?" Baekhyun kissed his little brother on the forehead.

"Kay." Sehun lowered his gaze. It never came to his conscience that he'll do this to his own brother.

Therefore, the Hearts children made their way to the front of the tower where the garden was in. They gazed up to the highest level of the tower, sealed by a steel window. No one would have the strength to climb up there. Sometimes, they wonder, what could be in there.

Maybe, Baekhyun shouldn't wonder too much.

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