Down the Rabbit Hole

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“Eun-soo ah!” Eun-soo’s mother knocked the bedroom door repeatedly. “If you could hear me, please open the door!”

“Later.” Eun-soo flicked through her phone, browsing several SNS along the way. The news about Konstantin was indeed true. It all happened last night, when she was on the way back to his home after spending two weeks abroad. Her friends offered words of consolation to her, but she didn’t feel any better, not even the slightest bit. Now she’s the girl with a comatose fiancé.

Still, poor Konstantin. She shouldn’t hate him that much. Their engagement wasn’t what they both intended.

“Eun-soo ah!”

“Coming!” Eun-soo leapt from her bed and opened the door. Early morning light cracked into her room, giving it a pleasant pink hue. She smoothed her silky black dress, kept her forelock clipped and stuffed her Samsung Galaxy Ace 3 phone into her handbag.

“Eun-soo dear, you poor little thing!” her mother looked at her with blood-shot eyes. “It’s a pity that Konstantin couldn’t see how pretty you are.”

Eun-soo nodded. Today was the day her mother had anticipated so much. Then it happened.

“The car is waiting for you outside. Remember, put on a nice expression when you go!”

“Wait, Omma. I think I forgot something!” Eun-soo shut the door abruptly. She collapsed to her knees and panted. Sweet oxygen! Somehow, she felt very nervous though if it was just a trip to the hospital. Nevertheless, after several unfortunate events, it felt very wrong. “Oh God, please get me through this…”

“Are you ready?”

What was that? Eun-soo shot upright like a telescope, but her head hit her bedpost. It hurt. Bad. “Yah!” She growled out while stroking her aching head. “Who are you and what are you doing here?”

Sitting by her window was a wiry young man with bronzed skin. His narrowed eyes looked down on her. Eun-soo stared at him uneasily, arms raised in a defensive mode. He slid down the window gracefully and sauntered forward like a hunter. She took several steps back for some breathing space. In this situation, she wished that she could grab a baseball bat or something, but all she had now was a handbag. Maybe the scissors in her drawer would do. Eureka! She pulled her drawer and drew out a pair of scissors. Nice.

“Get. Out. Of. My. House!” She glared at him and snipped the scissors to scare him off.

It failed.

“I’ll take that as a ‘yes’. Ga-ja~!” In one swift motion, he yanked her free hand harshly that she was knocked hard against him. Well, that was unexpected.

“Yah! You better watch out what you’re doing or—“ before she could even finish her threat, her room began to vanish from view. Her vision was blurred into a combination of pink, purple and black. The colours swirled and swirled before it settled into pure white. White and blinding.

The man freed her from his embrace. Eun-soo looked around. The air smelled of moist soil. She was in a forest, green and dotted with colourful flowers and mushrooms as far as she could see. Patches of light gleamed between the leaves of twisted trees that grew high above her.

In front of her was an extinguished bonfire with two men sitting around it. One looked quite young with intimidating features, the most notable being his dark-rimmed eyes. A ferocious panda? Or was he the kind of panda that eats, shoots, and leaves? Whatever. Sitting next to the panda was a troubadour with a guitar in his hands. He had a serene face with a remarkable long nose. He smiled at her before turning to the bronze-skinned man.

“Kai, who is this girl?”

“Look, Lay, I’ve found her! The Key of Fire!”

“The Key of… what?” Lay gave Kai a blank look.

“The Key of Fire!”

“Oh… Okay…” Lay dropped his gaze and continued to play his guitar.

“The Key must have a name.” Kai grinned. His eyes disappeared into crinkles. “What’s your name?”

“I—I’m Han Eun-soo.” She stuttered. “Where am I?”

“Welcome to Wonderland! My name is Kai.” He pointed at his friends. “That singing guy over there is Lay, and his scary-looking companion is Tao.”

Both of them waved their hands and said hello. Eun-soo forced herself a smile. How could she smile in this situation? Her fiancé was in a coma and she was whisked away from home to be stranded in a forest and accompanied by three strange strangers. How cool is that? Sorry—sarcasm mode.

The Key of Fire. They all called her with the same name, just like Baekhyun did in her dream. Did her abduction to Wonderland have something to do with his plea for help?

Can you please save me, please? Please?

Were Baekhyun and these men even connected? Why should she go? Why couldn’t she stay?

Why her?

She truly needed an answer to her questions before she was drowned in her own confusion—which is so not going to happen as long as Lay is still around.

“The Key of Fire, eh?” Lay said in an excited tone, carving a dimple into his cheek. “Yes, of course! Legend says that the Reign of Fire can only be overthrown by a union of two different worlds: Above and Wonderland. The Key of Fire represents the Above while the Dragon Warrior represents Wonderland. The Queen of Hearts had been around no longer, but what’s happening now is much worse. We’re the only ones left from the Resistance of Shuffling Decks. I can’t remember what happened to the others. I hope you’re the real Key.”

“Don’t say things like that!” Tao said. “We can’t give up hope!”

“I’m not giving up.” Lay placed his guitar gently on the ground. “We’re all trying.”

“Time is running out!” Tao tapped his wrist. “We have to find the Dragon Warrior, quick!”

“I don’t know…” Kai huffed out. “Remember what the Butterfly said? Only the Key knows where he is.”

“I don’t know either!” Eun-soo’s voice broke, almost crying. “It doesn’t make any sense! Can I just go home?”

Kai patted her head. “No, Eun-soo. Maybe you’re just too tired or the bump on your head is too much for you. Go take some rest. Then, we talk.”

Tao dug into his trouser pockets and gave Eun-soo a very small cake with the words "Key of Fire" written on it in currants. It looked lovely as well as it looked tasty.

At first, Eun-soo refused to take a bite, but Tao's honest face reassured her. How nice of him, she thought to herself.

"Lay made this." Tao said.

"Is that so?"

It tasted good indeed! She could feel a mix of strawberries, currants, cream, cherries, cheese and grilled chicken. Lay must be a genius at this!

Eun-soo reluctantly sat down beside Tao and leaned against a tree. She rested her head on his shoulder. Tao looked at her with sympathetic eyes and crooned her quietly.

The cool air calmed her.

Darkness waited in the wings.

Footsteps were heard.

A man entered, his face happier than ever. He was happy to see her, and so was she.

“Baekhyun!” she ran towards him and hugged him tight. “I know that you would come!”

“Congratulations! You’re finally in Wonderland!” Baekhyun clapped his hands ecstatically after she broke away. “Thank you, Eun-soo! I’m so glad you came!”

“But I honestly don’t know what to do.”

A white butterfly flew out of Baekhyun’s hands. It rested its wings on her head.

“Take this butterfly with you. It’ll lead you to him.”

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