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I paced the streets of the suburb just inside of Wall Rose looking for my friends who were in the second group that came over the wall. When they were supposed to come over the wall, I was called to the Garrison office to give a recount of what happened when we were stranded, and as I was walking out of the door, I was told that some of the MP's from Ehrmich were coming down for assistance—including Section Commander Rehman.

My mother... She was recently promoted from Captain all the way to Section Commander, and now she's the highest ranking MP in the south besides Commander Dok. Lovely.

God, once she hears that the Garrison abandoned a bunch of cadets (including her own daughter) in titan-infested Trost...She might actually kill Commander Dot Pixus.

Once Mana Rehman comes to town...Rest in Peace, Dot Pixus.

I came across the table that Krista, Ymir, and Connie were sitting at. "Hey Connie," I asked, happy to see my friends okay, "Have you seen Jean lately?"

"Oh," he laughed, making a kissy-face. "You want some private time. I get you."

I groaned, "Oh my god, Connie. Hey, I saved your ass earlier, so the least you can do is not do whatever you just did."

He chuckled, "True, you did save my ass, literally." Connie pointed to a table occupied by Reiner, Annie, Bertolt, and Jean just a way's down the path, "He's right there."

"Thanks," I replied, jogging to the wooden table. "Hey, guys, what happened? You're back way later than planned," I asked the group, a little annoyed.

Reiner, Annie, and Bertolt ignored me—rude. Jean suggested awkwardly, "Um, why don't we go talk about it in that alleyway where it's more private."

"Okay," I agreed, suspiciously. Jean got up from the table, and led me into a long alleyway. Jean had his back to the other end of the alley, and I asked, confused, "Soooo, what happened?"

He explained in a hushed tone, "We're not allowed to talk about it, but you know the abnormal titan that was helping us earlier?" I nodded my head. "It got attacked by a bunch of other titans, and when it basically died, Eren came out of it and said that we were all going to die."

I thought he was playing a trick on me.

My brow arched, questioning him. "Why did he say that all of us were going to die?" I asked, even more confused.

"I don't know," Jean shrugged, "but he looked out of—"

One of the high-ranking Garrison members started walking towards us down the alley, but Jean's back was to him.

Thinking of a quick diversion, I grabbed Jean's shirt, pulled him close to me, and instructed in a whisper, "Kiss me."

"What?" he asked in shock.

The officer was gaining on us, so I pressed my lips against Jean's passionately, also running my fingers through his ash brown hair. Jean held my waist, kissing me back softly. The office noticed the two teens making out in front of him, so he quickly turned around, shouting, "Get a room, you two!"

Once I couldn't hear his footsteps anymore, I pulled my lips away from Jean's, and I saw how red his face was. He looked so into it yet so confused and embarrassed I've ever seen a person look.

My hands rested around his neck, and Jean's still rested on the small of my back.

Both of our hearts pounded in our chests, and I guarantee you that Jean also had butterflies attacking his stomach. Jean's redness went away as he relaxed, I just looked like an embarrassed idiot all the time.

Then, to my surprise, Jean leaned in again, and pressed his lips to mine, gently. My hands ran through his hair, accepting the kiss, and I let him dominate me. Jean's hands slithered down from my lower back to my butt, and pressed firmly.

I quietly groaned as Jean attached his lips to my neck, intentionally giving me a hickey as to let everyone know that I was his and only his. "Shit," Jean whispered harshly against my sensitive neck. "Do you know how long I've wanted to do that?"

"I guess now you understand why I don't want you to leave me," I replied quietly, with a smirk on my face.

Jean suggested, his lips smirking devilishly against my neck, "We should go back before anyone suspects anything."

He released both his hands and lips from my body, standing up tall, but I quickly grabbed the lapel of Jean's jacket, standing on my tiptoes, and quickly pecked his lips before whispering, "Agreed."

Rain//Jean Kirstein x OC (version 1 - this one sucks, read version 2 on my page)Where stories live. Discover now