True Sisters

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Meanwhile, Amber was writing in her diary about how her actions affected her and Sofia. Her thievery really ruined her relationship with Sofia. "Why did I have to steal Sofia's diary—let alone stick my nose in it?" she sighed.

"I'm sorry, Amber," Clio apologized.

"You should mostly be sorry for Sofia—I stole her diary and read it, and now she's really mad at me," Amber sighed. "I've been a horrible sister."

"Maybe you need to do something to keep these bad feelings aside," Hildegard declared. "It worked for you after you read Sofia's previous diary."

Those last three words made Amber remember when she read Sofia's original diary, and she made up for it by letting her read hers. "I think I already know how to fix this mess," she smiled.

That night, Amber went to Sofia's room. "Hi, Sofia," she waved.

"What brings you in, Amber?" Sofia muttered.

"I want to apologize," Amber admitted. "It was bad enough when I read your original diary long ago, and it wasn't any better when I stole your new one, let alone read it. I never should've read it. I'm sorry."

Sofia started to feel bad that she was angry with Amber. "And I'm sorry I chewed you out for your thievery and nosy parker ways," she apologized.

"Don't be—I deserved it," Amber protested. "But since I already saw your diary, I want to show you a few pages of mine." She got up on Sofia's bed and opened to a page with a drawing of them in the Mystic Isles. "Remember this? This is the day we first visited the Mystic Isles."

"I remember, and I wrote about our first adventure in the Mystic Isles too," Sofia smiled. "Is that the amulet Prisma made you?"

"It sure is," Amber smiled.

Throughout the night, Amber let Sofia look in her diary.

Sofia the First: Sofia's Lost DiaryWhere stories live. Discover now