Dear Diary

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Five days later, Amber, Hildegard, and Clio were walking past Sofia's bedroom when they noticed that she was sitting in her window seat, writing in her diary. They couldn't help but wonder what she was filling those pages with. They decided to ask her what she was writing.

"Sofia, I can see you're writing in your diary again," Amber declared.

"You sure filled a lot of pages," Hildegard chimed in.

"Well, there's a lot to write about, and so many things have happened since I got this thing," Sofia declared. "So what have you been writing?"

"I just wrote about things that happened at Royal Prep," Amber claimed.

"I wrote about a dream I had where I was a mermaid," Hildegard claimed. She opened her diary to show a drawing of herself as a mermaid.

"Very nice," Sofia grinned. "What about you, Clio?"

"I just wrote about how life is in Corinthia," Clio replied.

Suddenly, Hugo came in and said, "Hey, Sofia, are you busy?"

"Nope," Sofia smiled. She closed her diary and put it on her bookshelf, and she took off with Hugo.

Amber remembered reading in Sofia's original diary about her crush on Hugo. She presumed that was what Sofia was just writing about in her new one right now.

"Amber, remember when we read Sofia's original diary and she wrote about her little crush on Prince Hugo?" Hildegard asked. "Maybe that's what she's writing in her new one just now."

"There's a chance," Amber declared.

"Let's find out," Hildegard suggested. She was about to walk up to the bookshelf when Clio grabbed her arm to stop her.

"Hildy, are you out of your mind?" Clio asked. "Remember what happened when we read Sofia's previous diary? If we read her new one and she finds out, she'll be furious."

"Sofia doesn't have to know," Hildegard protested.

"But we'd know," Clio claimed.

"What do you think, Amber?" Hildegard asked.

"Well, I don't want to take any chances of Sofia being angry, but I guess one peek can't hurt," Amber shrugged. She went up to the bookshelf and removed Sofia's new diary. She opened the diary and read out loud:

Dear Diary,

I'm very lucky to have lots of friends, but there's one friend who is the closest to my heart: Prince Hugo. But before I can tell you about him, there's something about us you need to know.

Hugo and I weren't always friends—we started out as foes. I wanted to try out for the flying derby team, and Hugo told me not to because it was a princely thing. But that didn't stop me from being the first princess on the team. I had a hard time learning to ride my horse, Minimus, and Hugo made fun of me for it—and he made fun of James for helping me. During the actual tryout race, Hugo made me fall off Minimus. Luckily, I landed on a haybale. James and I managed to win the tryout race.

Months later, James and I were going to ride in the flying derby championships against the Junior Knights when he sprained his wrist—so I got paired to ride with Hugo. I wanted to give him a second chance, but Hugo was so upset and embarrassed about what happened at the tryout race that he had trouble trusting me. Later, I learned that Hugo wasn't who I thought he was. He only bullied me to stop me from trying to honor his family by winning the Flying Crown, but he failed to stop me when I beat him at the tryout race. Luckily, I managed to convince Hugo to let me help him. It took some time, but I taught him the meaning of teamwork, and we won the Flying Crown. Hugo's big brother, Axel, claimed that Hugo takes after him, but Hugo said that he takes after me.

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