chapter 13: The End

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I opened my eyes and was greeted by Sun as it shone through a gap in the musty curtains. It was a pretty nice day, I looked out the window and there wasn't a cloud in the sky, the birds where singing their morning wake up calls and there was a slight breeze that swayed the branches of the nearby trees....wait, trees!? I thought we where staying the night in the car park. I sat for a moment before looking over to my left. No Jon, he must have gotten up in the night and gone back to his bed to avoid us being seen. A smile crossed my face as I thought about what almost happened last night, it was truelly magical - if only he wouldn't have stopped me taking it further - but that didn't matter now because it was finally here. It was my 18th birthday! I shot up out of my bed and threw on a pair of jeans and an old AC/DC crop top - it used to be a regular length top until I got a bit too close to the stove when it was on....oops - and then tussled my hair so it looked semi presentable. It wasn't like I was expecting anything special, infact they probably didn't even remember it was my birthday, but I was so excited that it was finally the day....the day me and Jon might actually do 'it'.
But I'm getting waaaay ahead of myself.

I opened the door - still a bit confused as to why we where in...what looked like a field - "what the..." I whispered to myself as I looked out the front windscreen. We where literally in a big grassy field. Although I could hardly say "we", I looked around and there was no sign of life. "Hello? Jon? Rich? Anyone?" I announced. No response.  I went over to Jons door and knocked gently on it, when there was still no response I slid it open a fraction incase he was just sleeping. I was confused, surprised and slightly worried all at once when I saw the empty bed, where the hell was everyone!?

I paced around the main area with my hands gripping my scalp through my knotted hair, trying to think of where they could be

*maybe they're just out for a walk?....who am I kidding they don't do that.

Well....well maybe I'm just dreaming. Yeah this is all a dream*

I pinched myself in the arm "OW! "
*ok So not a dream....Omg what if they've ditched me....what...what if they're fed up of me and are hoping I'll be gone when they get back*

I felt a burning tear roll down my cheek as I assumed the worst. "I think im gonna be sick" i mumbled - again not that anyone was there to hear me - and In a mad panic I ran to the door to get some fresh air. I violently swung it open "SURPRISE!" .
Slack jawed and a little startled I marvelled at the spread that was infront of me. Standing with there arms up in the air bellow a banner which read "happy 18th Blair!" Was all the members of the band. I brought my hands up to cover my mouth as i felt like I was going to burst with joy. "You didn't think we'd forgotten about you now did'ya?" Jon asked with his hands on his hips. "You jerk I thought you ditched me!" I cried out with laughter whilst still covering my mouth. They all laughed and I walked down to the table which had the most amazing spread layed out. They had gone to the efforts to make pancakes, bacon, scrambled eggs, sausages and fresh coffee - my staple. "Oh my gosh guys this is amazing!" I exclamed, Jon walked over to me and placed his strong arm around my shoulder "aw it was nothin" he said. "Yeah literally, Jons never cooked anything in his life, he got a caterer" Dave chuckled, Jon shot him a deadly look and pursed his lips "why I autta" he grumbled through gritted teeth. "Ok ok let's not get Jons panties in a bunch" added Richie as he put himself between the two guys.

We all sat down at the little picnic table and stacked our plates as full as we could with food. "I call it mount pancake-erest!" Richie shouted as he presented us with his literal mountain of pancakes covered in what looked like 5 pigs worth of bacon. "Ha. ..haha...coz it sounds like mount everest" Alec said VERY sarcastically, it was unusual for him to make any comment about anything really so I was shocked. "I swear up until this point I thought you where a mute " I joked, to which all the guys started laughing, "Yeah man you've been spending too much time with these Scottish chicks, you're turning into one" David remarked.

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