chapter 8 - memories I want to forget

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Shortly after my tragic episode of word vomit I had fallen asleep, must have been from all the drugs which made me all loopy towards Jon...God dammit, why did I have to say all that stuff. Now he's gonna think I'm a complete freak.

It was unusual that I was actually sleeping properly. Remember what I said about how my parents took their anger out on me? Well ever since I was little and they started....."taking it out on me" I had the worst nightmares. Sometimes I would even wake up screaming, covered in tears. Not like my parents cared at all. They where too busy going at eachothers throats like a couple of feral cats. But this dream was actually welcome in my brain. I was on the bus with the boys and we where all laughing and having a good time. I was on the sofa, with Jon on my left and Richie on my right. They both had one arm around my shoulders, i could almost feel it as if it were real. We where having a competition to see who could sing the highest note, I was surprised at how high David could sing. Although in the process he went bright red and looked like he was about to colapse in a heap on the floor. Richie simply scoffed and said "I don't need to proove myself to you people. I already know I'm the best" he had a smug little smile and Jon responded with one of his amazing screamy high notes like the one in "in and out of love" , God I loved it when he did that. He then looked over to Richie, popped his collar on his leather jacket and said "well i think I've prooved myself" ...I tried my best but my voice ended up breaking and I just sounded like a diseased mule. At least it made us all laugh though. I wanted nothing more than to be living my dream. Literally.


The hospital smelt like old people and feet, and with every inhale I could feel my face start to grimace uncontrolably. I had woken up about an hour ago and as I looked around the room there was no sign of my parents, or Jon. My face dropped and I looked at my hands as I twiddled my fingers. To be perfectly honest I didn't care where my parents where. They could have killed us, they where irresponsable and this crash was the last straw for me. I'll be turning 18 in a week and as soon as that happens I'm out of there. There is no way after this I am staying with them any longer than I am legally required to. I was feeling a multitude of emotions, I was angry at my parents, I was sad that Jon wasnt here and I was happy that I was in a room away from my parents. Speaking of....I was kinda worried about where they were. I mean I know I hate them for what they've done but at the end of the day they're my mum and dad and we're family.

Suddenly the door opened "Jon?" I asked with optimism before even Looking up to see who it was. "Excuse me?" Said the nurse who was deffinetly not Jon Bon Jovi. I shook my head and swiped my hand as to tell her to ignore my question. I was still in the tattered clothes that had been cut up by the debree from the crash, I looked at the dirty rags and gave out a sigh. I was wearing my favourit Bon Jovi long sleeved top that I've had since the band first started...and now it was nothing but a ruined relic. As I looked back up, infront of me on the wall was a mirror, I sobbed slightly at the sight of myself. I was an absolute state. My hair was all knotted my face was dirty, I had a pretty decent cut on my forehead *yep that'll leave a mark* I already mentioned my sorry excuse for clothing. As I stared vacantly at myself I saw a hand with a tissue in it come towards me. I glanced over to the nurse who was holding it, she had a knowing smile on her face that said don't worry I'm not judging though this was of little comfort.

After wiping away my tears with the tissue....which was now wet and a little less white than it started out, I asked the nurse about my parents, if they where ok etc. She said my mum was in the intensive care unit but was doing well and that my dad was in the adult ward. I think she said he had a broken collar bone or something. To be honest I wasn't really listening. All I could think about was the boys and how much I wanted them here. But I guess my time with them was over. They would be long gone by now. Off to another exotic venue...or at least as exotic as it gets for Scotland, which isn't exotic at all.

Now that the nurse had noticed just how upset I was at the dishevaled state I was in, she offered me a change of clothes. Nothing fancy, just a pair of skinny jeans and an oversized red jumper - which I kinda loved because I could tuck it into the jeans and have a bat wing effect. I attempted to climb off of the bed moving as slowly as i could. Everything ached. I gave a quite groan as i felt my arm sting. I stopped moving and rolled up my sleeve to make sure it wasn't another cut, but what I saw was some pretty impressive bruising. Which was odd because that wasn't the arm that was next to the door...*dam* it must have been from when mum dragged me to the car. I dont think she realises her own strength...or maybe she does and just doesnt care if she hurts me. I rolled my sleeve back down and let out a sniff, followed by yet more tears. I was getting pretty tired of crying, I was being put through the emotional wringer and it was draining - no pun intended.

I asked the nurse if she would help me get off the bed and help me get changed - as embarassing as that would be there was no way I would manage alone - and she was very nice about it. But I had momentarily forgotten about my arm, as she was helping me take my top off she saw the bruises. She tilted her head quizically at the marks "that's odd" she said with a confused air about her voice. "They don't match the impact, where did you get these sweety?" She looked at me and I felt most awkward. "Oh...uhhh.. I fell off a horse" I was the worst liar ever. She clearly and understandably didn't believe my statement and gave a questioning "hmmm" she then stood up tall and put her hands on her hips. "Can you wait here a second sweety? I'll be right back" *yeah like I'm gonna run off* i nodded.


I heard the creaky door open and a man walked in. He wore a long white coat and he had a clipboard . "Hello there, you must be Blair" he said. His voice was low and raspy. Kind of like jons *oh jon* I gave a shy nod and looked at my feet. I had managed to make it back to my bed and was sitting on the edge. He flicked through all the pieces of paper on the clipboard and then gave a sigh. He scratched his head and then looked at me "now what I can't figure out is where all this bruising came from" he raised an eyebrow as if he was expecting me to explain how I got it - truthfully this time. I was feeling a whole flood of emotions again, I was having flash backs of all the times my parents got angry. The shouting. The swearing. The.....hitting. I brought my knees to my stomach and hugged them, resting my head on them. I was trying so hard to hold back the tears but it was no use. "It was them !" I cried into my lap. "They did it. They always do it!" At this point I was a complete mess, my sobbs turned into wails and I felt so embarassed. I wanted to disappear, I wanted him to go away but I knew he wouldn't. Not after this outbreak. "Who, who did this to you?" He questioned, with concern. I lifted my head and wiped my face on my jumpers sleeve. I couldn't quite form proper words from my hysteria "" I gave out another loud wail and placed my head back on my knees. I felt a hand rubbing my back as comfort. It was silent for a while and then I heard the door open again. I heard the thud of heavy boots on the lino floors and looked up. Two men dressed in black with hi-viz checked patterns towered over me. *oh shit it's the police!* i just sat there staring at them, I mean what was I supposed to do...shake their hands? Offer them a cuppa...I don't think so.

One of them reached behind him and pulled a notepad and pen from his belt. He asked me to tell him exactly what had happened...not just tonight but everything my parents had ever done to me. I felt awful, I was selling my parents out to the police. What kind of daughter does that!? There was no chance they would forgive me for this. Ever. But inside i knew they couldn't get off with it. As his pen scribbled down the last detail I told them, he looked down at me and gave an awkward smile - you know like the one you give a stranger when you walk past them on the street. They swiftly left, shortly followed by the doctor. I felt a sudden sense of relief, like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. It was liberating. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. *oh for god sake what now!?* but it was only the nurse, she peered round the door looking slightly flustered "um Blair you have some visitors"

Thank you all for reading this far <3

I knows there's been a lack of the band but don't worry they will return shortly

B x

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