Comes To You ((End))

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This is it guys! The end. I spent a lot of time on this chapter so it'll be long. Thank you guys for reading and voting I love you guys so much! This is the end for this story but I have many other ideas for stories to-be. Check out my profile where you can find more stories and I hope you enjoyed this book!



"Where is Luhan?" Lay asked. I looked up and saw both Chanyeol and Baekhyun together. With all four of us against Kyungsoo, we are sure to defeat him. 5 including Luhan.

"He's downstairs in the basement" I said. I hope Lay will help us. He seems like a very sweet guy.

"Well then let's go!" Baekhyun desperately said. We all got up and I led them to the basement.

Something is wrong. The door is wide open. I ran down the stairs calling his name. No answer came back to me. Did Kyungsoo get to him?

"LUHAN! LULU!" I screamed, running around the dark room trying to find him. Where is he? Bad thoughts started to flood my mind and prevented me from looking any further.

"Sehun! Sehun you can't stop! We have to keep looking!" Baekhyun cried. Chanyeol walked to me and hugged me tightly.

"We'll find him. I promise. I have an idea of where he is" He pulled back and rubbed his hands over my cheeks. I didn't even realize that I was crying.

Stupid Sehun. You're being stupid. Stop crying. That's not going to solve anything.

I nodded at my own thoughts and followed Chanyeol to where Baekhyun and Lay were. They silently climbed up the stairs and headed to the front door. When we reached the street, Chanyeol looked at me nervously.

"Sehun. What about Baekhyun? He's still mortal" he telepathically told me. I looked at Baekhyun for awhile. What should we do?That's when my thoughts were interrupted by an unfamiliar voice in a telepathic message.

"Chanyeol, we all know there's only one option for him to stay safe." We both looked at Lay in shock.

"YOU CAN SEND TELEPATHIC MESSAGES TOO?!" I 'shouted'. Lay smirked and nodded.

"Healing is not the only thing I can do."

"Whatever. What is the only option you're talking about?" Really Chanyeol? It's pretty obvious.

"Turn him" "Turn him" Me and Lay said at the same time. His eyes widened.

"No! Not gonna happen" I internally sighed.

"Please Chanyeol. Do it for Luhan. Besides, once you turn him, you'll never have to worry about him dying" He sighed and walked over to Baekhyun.

"Baekhyun close your eyes" Me and Lay turned away. I've seen a vampire turning a human before. And it's not something I want to see again. Apparently neither does Lay. Soon enough, I winced when I heard the revolting sound of his neck cracking. Chanyeol started to cry but picked him up nonetheless. Lay concentrated hard and opened the portal to the immortal world. We stepped through the same as we do thousands of times. As soon as we stepped onto immortal land, Baekhyun woke up. He had the pale skin and sharp teeth. And his brown eyes turned red. Baekhyun was officially immortal.

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