She smiled.

"Nanny Gracie, this is Harry Potter. Harry, this Nanny Gracie." The little girl said introducing the two strangers to one another.

"I see you have gotten acquainted with our little visitor." The old nanny commented.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Ma'am." Potter said.

"My, what a well mannered boy. It's a pleasure to met you too, dear."

The old woman placed down the tray on the unoccupied bedside table, discreetly eyeing the two kids held each other's hands. She hid a knowing smile.

"You should be lying down, dearie. You have a fever. I've made some porridge. Here you go. Eat up." The woman handed him the bowl.

"Hermione, my Engel?" The woman called.

"Yes, Nanny?" The little girl answered.

"Harry needs his hand to eat." She remarked.

Abruptly, the two kids both retreated their hand to their sides and looked down to hide their growing blush.


Harry quickly dug in his porridge and gobbled it up till the very last grain. This was the most decent meal he had in weeks.

Hermione sat beside Harry on the bed watching amusedly as he ate with gusto while nibbling her cookie. It amused her seeing him eat like a little kid. But then again there was really nothing to it as both of them would still be considered as little kids, themselves.

Nanny Gracie gave her a pointed glance. Getting the message, the little girl directed her focus solely on munching her favorite chocolate chip cookie. It was rude to stare while others were eating.

"Here have some cookies as well, Harry." The nanny said handing him a platter of cookies and a tall glass of milk.

"Thank you, Ma'am. The porridge was delicious." Harry replied taking the milk and a cookie from the platter she offered.

"Hermione, stay here with Harry, dear, while I'll go clean up in the kitchen."

She stood up leaving the two children by themselves in the room. The woman sensed that the little child was more comfortable with her Hermione alone. She will have to push her questions for the little lost boy later after he gets settled.

"Let me help you, Ma'am."

Harry offered. The boy wasn't used to someone being so kind to him without him doing anything for return. So having Hermione's nanny bring him a tray full of food and clean after his meal was also a first experience for him as well.

"Nonsense, laddie. I've just finish bandaging your wounds and you have a broken leg. We wouldn't want to worsen your condition. Now do we?" The woman tucked the little boy in bed.

"Good patients rest in bed."

The boy blushed experiencing how it was to be properly treated like the little kid he was for the first time. She smiled and turned away.

"Take care of Harry for me while I clean up downstairs. Will you, my sweet Engel?"

"Yes, Nanny!" The little girl answered in cheerful delight.

Both the kids watched as the old woman leave the room with the tray of dishes. After they were left completely alone, Hermione went straight back away to business.

"So what did you do?"


Potter replied confused. Hermione rolled her eyes. Apparently, he wasn't much quick in the head as she hope he would be. Though it may just have to do with the fact that he was still in a stranger's home.

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