Round 1: Living an Ordinary Life with Ordinary People

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Kris opened his room door and stopped dead in his track as he was immediately faced with a knuckled fist. His first instinct was to catch the hand and to deliver a counter attack of the ambush, but before he could react accordingly, the fist stopped, followed by a- "Whoops!" a surprised yelp. "That was close." The hand was immediately retracted, revealing—

"Jave?" Kris recognized the purple haired guy instantly. Even though he looked younger and his hair was distinctly longer than the Jave from his original world—here, it reached his shoulder, while there it only reached his lower neck—, those enticing golden eyes were the same as always.

Kris noted that Jave's eye color looked almost the same as Rudy's, but in closer inspection, it was a shade lighter, almost dark yellow, more like the color of honey. In his original world, Jave was considered cute rather than handsome, appearance and nature wise. He was almost as tall as Kris, only 1 cm shorter, and coincidentally, he was also the youngest of the Seven Knights. Here, with his even younger look, he was even cuter.

"Sorry about that, Kris. I was about to wake you up if you were still in bed," Jave said, smiling sheepishly.

Original Jave's personality was probably as friendly as Rudy's even though he hated human at first. Rumor said he was abandoned by his human parents in the land of Dragon Ruins when he was still a baby and then raised by the dragon guardians, so Jave didn't exactly consider himself human initially; didn't even know that other humans exists outside his land, until he was 6 or 7. He met a traveler from another province and then out of curiosity followed him into a human village once. However, it seemed that he was shunned by the villagers because of his strange appearance and his supernatural power (he could talk to animals and influence nature to do his bidding). Jave was hurt deeply by their rejection, hence his hostility and avoidance toward other human beings in general after that. Later though, after he got the dragon egg and hatched Red from it, then met the other Seven Knights and became the knight himself, he became warmer to them, especially to Spike and Rudy. As far as Kris knew, Spike and Jave were best friends if the story that Jave stopping Spike from being an Ice Berserker was true.

Kris hoped this Jave wasn't much different from the original Jave. Kris wasn't ready to talk to him if he was. He would blow his secret as not this world Kris right away if he acted differently to this Jave after all.

"No problem," Kris spoke as clearly as possible, but not too loud. He controlled his expression to be indifferent, but not dismissive. Jave was his friend. He had to be used to his presence if they lived in the same building.

"It's your turn to make breakfast after all," Jave's smile widened slightly as he offered Kris an apron, which was frilly, in pink color and –were those laces at the back side?

"What." Kris deadpanned, looking at the offending piece of clothing in his hand blankly.

Jave snorted lightly before he clasped his mouth shut with his hand, apparently trying to suppress his laughter seeing Kris' incredulous reaction. "Sorry, Kris. The other aprons are unavailable due to Dellons' prank yesterday. They are all still in laundry." He patted one of Kris arms in sympathy.

Dellons. Hearing his name made Kris' left eye twitch in annoyance. Why wasn't he surprised that the guy was an ass even in this world? Kris took a deep breath and counted to ten to calm his temper. He had to. He couldn't just curse the bastard out loud in front of Jave. It wouldn't be like this world Kris. Kris in this world was quieter and more reserved, maybe.

"I'd rather cook without this." Kris huffed and folded the apron before giving it back to Jave. Then he started walking to the kitchen slash dining room to do just that.

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