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Karas Pov
I rushed into my room with varm tears streaming down my flushed cheeks. My teary vision tried to see who sat at the end of my bed. 

"Lena?"  I asked with a sad and very surprised voice. Even if I actually knew it was't her, but the sight of the darker brown hair made me wish it was her.

The person was of course Alex, sitting at the bed, looking very concerned.

I started crying even more at the sight of her. I felt so worthless. I dumped down on the bed, falling into her arms. She hushed me and tried to calm me down. She held me and mumbled reassuring words, stroking my back with her hands. Everything felt painful and I was so exhausted.

I was shaking because of all the crying, and we just lay there, in my bed, without saying anything in hours.

The next morning I woke up stiff with all yesterdays clothes on. We had fallen asleep laying in my bed last night. I confused looked down and realized I had't changed my cloths. My jeans was so uncomfortable already as it was, but sleeping in them was for real, painful.

 Suddenly I remembered what had happen before falling asleep last night and why I fell asleep like that. I felt like crying again but I was all dried out. "No." I let out with a raspy loud sighn. 

Alex, who apparently still was here, shouted from the kitchen to "get my sad butt" there.

"Hey", she said while I sat down at the table, looking at me with a worried smile.

"Mhmm", I said, so not in the mood.

"Please Kara", I know that last night probably didn't go so well...

"You think? "my voice cracked and my eyes suddenly wattered.

"Well", you want to talk about it? While I make pancakes? or should I call someone?" She looked at me with her eyes reveling how concerned she where. 

I knew she was thinking about a very certain someone, but I just shook my head and putted my elbows on the table pouted like a child. 

We didn't talk the entire time Alex made breakfast, but we did't need to, it was a comfortable silence. 

"Sooo...., today you're going to work?" Alex said while taking a big bite of her pancakes.

"I don't know really. I mean, I should go, I have an article I need to write and I have all my work there, but I don't know. "

"You should go Kara, I think it would be good not to sit around at home sad in your pj's all day. You should try to get some work done and then meet me for lunch. I need to rush to the DEO, se you later?"

"Yeah." I mumbled and ate the last of my pancake.

I said goodbye to Alex and changed clothes. I did't take any time to do my makeup or my hair, I just took my bag, coat and fled.

At work I was distracted all day, checking my phone for messages, even if I would't admit it, I hoped that I would hear something from Lena. I tried to work on the article but was to distracted to just click at my phone every two minutes. 

I just waited for Alex to come and get me for lunch, witch if had been an ordinary day where everything was't screwed up, Lena and I would've had lunch. I felt mad at myself for obsessing over her. But as fast as I tried to think of anything else, my mind wandered back to her emerald eyes and red lips.

As lucky as I was, I didn't meet anyone at work that I necessary needed to talk to. Cat Grant was out of town so I did't have to worry about her either. That of course in this situation was a relief. I avoided everyone I met's eye contact so I would't have to talk with them.

 When Alex messaged me saying she was outside, so I grabbed my stuff and left very, very  quickly.

We went to a nice diner that we usually went to, and I for a second felt okay. Alex talked about some stuff going on at the DEO. After a while she wanted to talk about yesterday, and I felt like my stomach was in my throat.

"Okey, so what happened, really?"

"I went to her office, I told her how I really felt, brutally honest and she told me she didn't like me in that way and we should take a break in our friendship if I felt I needed one. And that she still wanted to be my friend."

"Well that was't so bad?" Alex said with a soft voice. I glared at her.

"Well it was not good, but at least she still wants to be your friend? Right?"

"Yeah Alex. really frecking good. She seemed like she did't care, she was cold and did't look me in the eyes."

"I know you're hurt Kara, and it feels so crushing to be hurt in that way. I know that you like her a lot." 

I just nodded and felt my heart pumping really fast and it became hard to breathe. Such a basic answer. Alex must have noticed because she reached over the table and grabbed my hands. My eyes teared up and I felt so small.

"It's just so humiliating, you know? How am I supposed to just hang out with her and stuff, when I opened up to her, and she just rejected it. What if we never will be friends again Alex? I do't want that. I want to be her friend." 

Alex looked at me with sad eyes and said:

"It's going to be okey, I know how bad it can feel, remember in the beginning with  Maggie?" I nodded and she continued.

"I was in so much pain, but after a while, it did't feel that way, and i promise, about a week it won't feel like this, ok?" 


The tv in one of the corners of the diner started to talk about a robbery going on and I gave Alex an very meaning look.

 I walked as fast as I could to the bathroom and changed to my Supergirl outfit.


This is my first fanfic, please comment your thoughts!:)

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