Dance School A.U

118 3 12

Hear me out.

A large building that houses many different dancing classes. Most classes are for Hip-Hop as it's the most.

So imagine a large building, with like 4 areas. And within each area, is a school like building. So as if 4 schools where builded together. And within each 'school' has several classes. Understand? Each class holds students for certain dance genres. With every student gets to choose before they come to school.

The "School" the group goes to is called "Phoenix Drop." And within Phoenix Drop, are several classes. All of the cast has Hip-Hop.

(Cuz Hip-Hop is my favorite.)

But each class has their own name. Such as the class Gene, Zenix, and Sasha are in, is called, "Shadow Knighs".

Then Aphmau and the gang are divided into others. I'm not sure what their class names would be. Though I really like this idea although it's confusing.

Oh yeah. This school runs like a normal school. Between classes, they have breaks. You could spend them outside, talking to friends, use your phone's, or go to the library. They also have lunch times.

Each 'school' has their own private dance studio.

Not like the ones they have in their classes. These are large where students are allowed to go if they wanna rehearse or spend more time on certain things they didn't have time or couldn't in class hours.

Every year, each 'school' has a dance off. It goes like this.

School 1 V.S School 2 in Hip-Hop, Ballet, and in Jazz. One school must 2 outta the possible 3 points to move forward. Let's say School 1 wins.

Then same for School 3 V.S School 4. School 3 wins.

Then it's School 1 V.S School 3. It's useally the Hip-Hip students that do the ending dance off. The one that wins gets a cash prize for their school or some shit.

i so hope this made sense.

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