Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Ian's POV

I had to get to the bottom of this. Why did my best friends beat the crap out of my little sister's best friend. All she told me was that Arial was physically abused by Reed and that my friends beat her up and that she is moving out. I officially hate my so called friends.

While I'm thinking about what happened I hear Tyler and Reed screaming at each other

Tyler: Well, thanks guys! Now the love of my life is gone!

Reed: Stop thinking about yourself Tyler! We beat up Arial because that brat broke my fudging heart! Now, are you going to sit here all day and mourn over some little conceded brat who can't see what how rude her friend really is or are you going to make ME feel better?!

Tyler: Screw you Reed.

Reed: What did you say to me


Tyler: N-nothing.

Reed: That's what I thought!

I'm just gonna strait out say it. Reed is an idiot! He thinks that he can get away with this? He is so wrong! I walk in on their "debate" and shoot Reed Katlyn's famous death glare...


Katlyn: Ok! That's it!! Who took the last seaweed?!? (a/n yeah. irl, i <3 seaweed. Ok back to the story)

Me: I did!

Katlyn didn't do anything. She just looked at me and shot me a very scary death glare.

~~~~flashback over~~~~

I know what I have to do. Integration.

Me: Hey Reed, where out of milk, can you run to the story?

Reed: fine. ill be about 1 hour.

Me: k thanks!

I only have 1 hour. 1 hour to find out why my "friends" did what they did.

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