Jeremy from science class

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I walk into the house and immediately the yelling starts.

Mom was quiet the entire drive home, but I knew she was pissed as hell, an icy glare was never removed from her face.

"I THOUGHT YOU WERE GOING TO GO TO MAY'S OR SOMETHING! I get you and Landon are close but I will not have my daughter spend the night at a hormonal boy's house. ESPECIALLY if he smokes weed." her yelling is giving me a headache.

"Mom-" I try to explain or give an excuse but she cuts me off.

"Don't you 'mom' me! Want to know how I knew you were at Landons?" She doesn't give me a chance to reply before she answers. " I called you this morning because I wanted to know when you were coming home but you didn't answer. I then called May and she told me you weren't even there!" 

I grimaced, I should have told May to cover for me. We've been friends forever and no matter what she's always covered for me. Guaranteed if I murdered someone she would help me hide the body.

"AND DO YOU KNOW WHAT ELSE?" I shake my head no. Its best not to speak. "I FOUND THIS IN YOUR ROOM!" She whips out my bright pink OG bong and places it on the hallway table that was pressed against the left wall. I visibly cringed. Immediately I start thinking of  excuses for why I had a fucking bong in my room.

The only thing I could come up with was "Its not mine."

"Oh? Whose is it then?" Shit.

"Uhm, Jeremy from science class?" It came out like a question and I started sweating.

"Yeah fucking right. I know its yours, its pink for gods sake." 

"Plenty of guys have pink bongs."

"And you know this because..."

"Theeeeeee INTERNET! Yeah. The internet, you know, instagram..."

"Mhmm, ok, yeah whatever Reece, I know its your bong. GOD I've honestly had enough of your shit Reece. First it was skipping school, then it was almost failing some of your classes and now its drugs? What is going through your mind right now Reece? You're giving me grey hairs. I have enough stress from working nightshifts and long hours to pay the bills and get by and pay for your wants and needs and you just shit all over my hard work. I don't understand! I've tried so hard to help you down the right path and you're throwing your life away Reece! I don't know what else to do so I'm sending you to live with your Aunt and you're cousins."

Holy shit. She's threatened me with this so many times but I never though she'd actually pull through with it. Oh my god. My whole life is here.

"Mom! You can't be serious right now!" I shout frantically, my eyes as wide as saucers.

"I'm dead serious Reece. I already called her, they're coming down ,Monday morning to pick you up you have today and tomorrow to pack. You can come down on the weekends and I'll come up for holidays. I just can't take this anymore Reece, you're my daughter and I love you, I just don't want this to ruin our relationship." 

She looked near tears as she said this, and at this point hot tears were rolling down my cheeks. I pushed her too far this time. God, why am I such a fuck up?

"Mummy, please don't make me move in with Aunty Jane, you know I love her and my cousins, but I'd have to go to a whole new school and make new friends! Do you know how hard that is?! And what about Roscoe mom?"

"You can take him with you my girl, you can take his dog house too, you know Jane's got a big house and nice front and back yards." She was crying too now. "I love you Reece, and you know I don't want you to move, but you and I both know its for the best." The tears were rolling freely down her cheeks and she was sniffling.

I wipe the tears and go up the stairs.

Okie, I know it's been a fucking year and I'm sorry, I've been going through way too much for any 17 year old. Here's the update though, I know it's short but here you go 💜

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