The fight

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*the picture above is Daniel*

I stood there in the shower listening to bad omens enough,enough now. I was crying because that is the only place I can cry and not get noticed because if my boyfriend Daniel saw me he would hit me and tell me that I'm worthless and a slut.

I got out of the shower, I dried off and got dressed then headed to the kitchen for something to eat I could only eat if Daniel wasn't around cause he said sluts shouldn't be allowed to eat. There was only an apple in the fridge so I took it and ate it. I went into mine and Daniels bedroom to get ready for warped tour I tried to be quiet so I wouldn't wake him up. I grabbed a black pair of shorts, a black craft muscle tee and some black vans then I headed into the bathroom to change once I got changed and I did my makeup I heard Daniels alarm go off and I walked out of the bathroom. I was about to leave when he said my name. "Yes?" I said calmly. " why are you all dressed up?" He said with anger on his face. " remember today is warped tour I got ready before you so I wouldn't get in your way" I said looking down waiting for him to scream at me. " okay then I'm gonna get dressed then we'll head out" he said. I went downstairs in aw not believing ragtag he didn't yell at me or punch me. I grabbed my backpack and the keys and I waited.

Daniel was walking down the stairs and he motions me to say lets go, I got up and I walked to the door locked it and got in. The car and started driving to the venue.

When we got there we waited in line for and hour and then got in. I told Daniel I wanted to go and watch neck deep then Andy black so he went to go watch gwar and after the burial. After the shows I went and saw bad omens they were my third favorite band my first two are asking Alexandria and Attila. Their signing was happening so I got in line. The porta potties were right beside me while I waited in line I heard a familiar sound coming from one of the porta potties and then o see Daniel and some chick come out and both their hair was messed up and he was zipping his zipper up. Him and I locked eyes and I walk over to him still poking at him screaming " HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME" everyone looked at us even the band bad omens. He looks at me I could see him getting angry I could see it in his eyes and he starts shouting at me telling me I'm worthless and all that then I feel him punch me I fall to the ground in pain and he keeps punch and kicking then everything turned black.
Noah's POV
I was at a signing when I heard a girl scream at her boyfriend I'm guessing say how could he. I'm guessing he cheated. Then out of nowhere he was yelling at her he was yelling in her face that got me mad so I told the people in line to wait and I started heading towards them and I see him punch her repeatedly and start kicking her. I run over to him and start punching him. The other band mates come over and take her onto the bus. Security had too pull me off of him. He got up and ran away. But he didn't get far the cops were there and he got arrested on the spot.

The one that saved me (Noah Sebastian fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz