Chapter Four

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A/N: So. I know there is a ton of misspelled words but that's because I'm tired of auto correct.
~ Mobile typed ~
So please excuse that. Also. This is the second to last chapter. Told you. Short story. Its more of a random book I made. But what ever. I'm trying to make books relating to what I've been through, and what I know, etc. This was more of a lazy, have to make, book. So. Thanks for reading. c;

Have you ever had the feeling like...

Music is probably the only thing that makes you feel safe inside. Keeps you sane?

I do.

Have you every felt music relates to your pain? Every day. You hear the song. Is the meaning all the same each time?


Even if thinking is dangerous. You'd most likely reason with the wrong. The bad.

I've gone insane before.

I'm a believer.

But I'm not gullible.

I've been lied to, too much to even trust someone's word.

Some days tree look greener. Some days they look like the devil showed other their parade.

And other days. They're just... Trees. Green. Different shapes. Everything.

If you've been through pain.

Pain that wont let you give a real smile.

Pain that hurts so much you cant bare to hear someone laugh.

Pain that makes happy people, make your insides turn..

I've been through it too.

Have you ever thought.

Maybe we're over thinking too much?

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