Chapter Twenty-one

Start from the beginning

"No, I don't want you to. You and Dad both need to work."

She seems to deflate. She already knew she couldn't do it. She was ready to sacrifice for me anyway, even if it meant we couldn't afford WiFi next month. It makes me feel awful about what a brat I've been about The Doctor, when they're already going through so much. Suddenly, the past few hours of arguing seem so pointless and void.

"Let me go," says an unexpected voice. I look over at my brother in surprise. He snaps shut the dictionary in his hands, and looks up at our parents from my beanbag. I hope I'm the only one who forgot he was there.

"Are you sure you want to?" Quizzes Mom skeptically. Tony has never enjoyed travelling. The whole process is, in his words, "just too busy".

"Sure," he smiles. I blink. I haven't seen my brother smile since the last time I spied on him and Megan and she cracked a chemistry joke that sent him reeling. In other words, it's been weeks.

"Tony, you actually mean it?" I ask.

"Yep. Do I need to pack anything, Renny?" And just like that, before anyone else can argue my brother has invited himself on board the TARDIS.

I call The Doctor the next morning, and tell him the new situation. He can come get us after I go shopping with Megan at ten this morning, and my parents want us both back by tonight. And because they specified, I have to add, "back in one piece." My parents are taking a huge risk to let both of their kids fly away from this place and time, and I don't intend to let them down.

By the time I get back from the stores with Megan, noon has come and gone without anyone taking particular notice. I jog up the stairs with a lightweight shopping bag, and stumble a little at the top of the stairs. I steady myself against the wall to stop the world from spinning around so fast, and slink into my room. Here I have to stop again, because of a tall blue barrier keeping me from my closet.

"Tony!" I shout. "He's here!"

I've never seen anyone make time from his room to mine as quickly as Tony just did. "If we go now, they don't have time to tell us how careful we ought to be," he exclaims, and dives through the doors like it's his box.

Mom runs through the door. "Where's your brother?" She asks.

"Already inside."

She nods, and gathers me into a hug. "Your dad is at the grocery store. I'll tell him that you left."

"Okay. Thanks."

She kneels down in front of me. "Be very, very careful. If you see something dangerous, stay away from it. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"And keep a close eye on your brother. Keep each other safe."

"We will."

"All right. Be back by tonight, okay? No cheating with that big time machine."

I nod. "Okay."

The door opens, and Tony's head sticks out. "This is so cool!" He exclaims. "Hey, Mom."

She stands up, and kisses his forehead. "Be careful guys. Take care of each other."

"We will, Mom," Tony says, and disappears into the box after giving her a kindly smile. She's acting like we're going off to college. Which is an experience I suppose I won't have to deal with, now.

"Bye," I say. "I love you."

She gives me one last hug. "I love you too. Have fun."

I step in through the door. "Bye."

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