10 - Bad Vibe, Great Suprise In Action

Start from the beginning

"Morgan just shut up and sit down and relax." Loren said. I heard Morgan huffed and puff like she was some type of big bad wolf. Ew. That's unattractive.

I heard little whispers from the Chinese people who were assisting us along with Morgan big mouth; i would say she was trying to whisper.

Yep. Trying is the word.

"But i don't wanna sit next to her!" She spat annoyingly and in a whinny voice.

"There's no moure seats available." The lady said in broken English. Morgan kissed her teeth again before i heard her sit down in the chair next to mines. The only thing separating us is the women who's painting my nails.

When the women got up and left me for my nails to dry; I opened my eyes to see Morgan staring at me. No wonder my skin were burning. I'm getting very sarcastic by the minute ain't i?

"Yes, Morgan?" I said politely. It doesn't matter how much she disrespects me, imma try and be the better person and be nice. I'm pretty sure Chris wants her so imma be around for a while unless Chris just don't wanna be in the girls life. It won't hurt me. But at the moment; 'playing' the Baby mama role like in all stories or in damn reality the baby mama and Girlfriend never gets along.


I want to change that but it takes two to make peace.

"Don't yes me bitch." She spat looking me up and down.

Opps. I got called the B word.

I guess calling women female dogs is very... i don't know? Simpatico? 

If that's whats she's aiming for.... she being opposite of that word.

"Listen here. Just because Chris kissed you doesn't mean he wants you. He wants a women not a trashy hoe." She started.

I Laughed. She got everything wrong.

Well in words. I wouldn't call her a hoe because i don't know her nor do i call people out their names.

"What's funny?" She questioned with attitude lingering behind. Finishing my chuckle i rest my hand on my stomach.

"If anything i'm a women honey. I'm not trying to start anything with you. N-o-t-h-i-n-g. No, i not calling you the trashy hoe because I'm pretty sure Chris wouldn't want to be in a relationship with one. But that mouth and attitude isn't cute. Your petty. as hell i might add. Chris kissed me. Me. I didn't kiss him. Don't get mad at me because of what he did. I tell it to your face; i like Chris hell i might even be in love with him but, i'm not going to mess up the relationship he's already in because of my feelings. I have better things to do then chase him trying to get him with me. He's yours. When i first met you i greeted you polite and what did you call me?" I said in my everyday voice. I wasn't about to tell her we kissed before. nope.

"A groupie." she mumbled. Damn she's listening to me? I sound like my mother.

"Exactly. I didn't say anything bad to you. I just wanted to tell Chris that i was pregnant and i was thankful for his donation that helped me. I didn't even know who the hell he was. But your calling yourself a 'women' but the things you do doesn't show it." I finally stopped my rant.

It was dead silence. I turned around to see Terri,Alex,and Loren staring at me with wide eyes.

Wheres a cricket when you need one?

Ugh that was corny.. But funny as hell in my head.

"These babies are pushing my uterus. i need to use the bathroom, I'll be right back." I announced. Even the Chinese people were silent.


Alex : We just left. You have Seven hours. I'm not sure if taking her to the spa,lunch and a little movie is going to keep her sain but do whatever you gotta do. - 8:40am

"Leggo!" I said getting out of my car that was parked down the street from Vivian house. Hood,Ty,Mijo, Keeis,Shit even my moms was here.

"Don't say that ish it was funny three years ago." Hood snapped. He was mad i called his ass this morning.

"Why are we at this house? Who's house is this?" Ty complained as i grabbed the spare key out of my back pocket and unlocking the doors and going inside.

"Vivian's." I stated going up the steps as they followed me to the twins room; well unfinished/untouched room. "Yo Baby moms?" MIjo asked?

"Yeah." I answered, earning a slap on the back of my head. "You have me in this women house and i never met her?" My mom said. I groaned in pain from that hit.

"Yeah, i'm trying to get back on her good side. She's been ignoring me since we found out she was having twin girls. So I'm going to do the room. That's why you all are here along with some professionals i know." I started looking inside the blank walls with boxes that had cribs inside. 

My mom cooed an 'awe' before clapping her hands. I heard the doorbell ring and i headed for it knowing it was Cleo and Mark; some home designers. 

"Hey." I said opening it wide enough as them and their crew came in along with some supplies. It had to be at least 10-15 people. 

I gathered everybody in the living room as i pulled out the blue print i've been working on for the last few days. Morgan questioned it but i just told her not to worry about it even though she wouldn't understand. It wasn't no surprise that she was still pissed off but not pissed off to break up with me. I don't get dumped. Point blank.

"So we have Seven hours to do the room for twin girls?" Mark questioned.

"That's enough time right?" I said unsure. I don't want Vivian becoming suspicious on why Alex keep adding more plans to their day.

"More than enough." He smiled. I let out a sigh of relief.

Time to design a room for my princesses.


Cute or nah.

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