"I-I'm sorry sir, but that's confidential information. Unless your direct family, I'm not authorized to give you-"

"Wait, does that file say Carmichael?" I said breathlessly as I continued examining the papers he was holding. He jerked them away from my view, clearly the dumbass didn't know I was his daughter, and held them against his chest. All of a sudden, there was a loud beeping noise coming from the room to our right that looked filled to the brim with nurses and doctors. As the bed began being rushed out of the room, I felt my world stop turning as I got a good look at who was hooked up to all the monitors that were beeping.

"Oh my god, daddy!" I screamed as I ran after them. The doctor tried to get ahold of me but I slipped from his grip and caught up with the nurse.

"Daddy! What's wrong with him! What's happening!" I yelled hysterically as tears started falling nonstop.

"Ma'am I need you to let go of the side rail! Your father needs medical treatment!" The nurse answered through my sobs. I was pulled by my waist as someone dragged me away. I began to hit and scratch at their arms to let me go, but it wasn't working. I went lax in their hold as I cried so hard I couldn't catch my breath.

I was maneuvered back to the waiting area where Kreuger, Cujo, and Beast were now staring at me in horror and sympathy. I turned in the person's arms, now knowing who it was as they clutched me in their tight embrace. My tears stained Scar's shirt as he continued rocking me back and forth while simultaneously making quiet shushing noises. My legs gave out before Scar leaned down and picked me up bridal style. Sitting with me in his lap, no one dared speak a word.

"Excuse me! My husband's been in an accident and he's not in his room anymore! I need to know where he is!" I heard my mom's pained voice demand. My eyes cracked open as I pushed my way out of Scar's hold. Dashing over to where she was standing, I wrapped my arms tightly around her torso.

"Oh, Evan. Sweety it's...it's going to be alright." She choked out while setting down her full to go cup of coffee and smoothing her hand down my hair. She wrapped her arms around me as we just stood there, taking comfort from one another.

"What happened, mom? Who the fuck shot him?" I wailed, unable to comprehend who would want to hurt my dad like this. He'd never been anything but generous in his life, always giving people who didn't deserve it seconds chances. Granted, that was all thanks to my mom, but still. He didn't deserve this. He didn't deserve this.

"I've been trying to find out what happened all morning. The cops won't tell me anything. I'm...I'm going to go try and find a doctor and see what's going on, okay? You just wait here and call me if the cops return before I get back." She murmured. I nodded in agreement, watching her go helplessly. Walking back to the guys I sat back on Scar's lap, unsure of what to say.

"Do you know who did it?" I asked to no one in particular.

"Yeah, we do. There were two cops that came into the underground this morning. Someone must've tipped them off or something about the fighting and training we do there. The cop that shot him was...he looked fucking deranged. Like he hadn't slept in weeks. He seeked Killer-" Cujo said before clearing his throat and giving me a sideways glance, "he seeked Knox out while he was in the training room, totally defenseless. No one knew why Knox was there, just showed up and started beating the shit out of the bag. Anyway, they got into an argument before the dude, I think Knox called him Corbin?, whipped his gun out and shot him point blank. His partner must've realized how fucked in the head the guy was, because he pulled his gun on him and shot the dude in return. Killed the crazy bastard instantly." He murmured with a frown.

This is all my fault. This is all my fault. This is all my fucking fault I repeated over and over in my head. Had I not been a terrible, selfish daughter he wouldn't have been so upset he felt the need to go train his anger out. He wouldn't have been at the underground, Corbin wouldn't have found him, and he wouldn't have been shot. Oh my god, this is all my fault.

Scar on my Heart (Carmichael Series #3)✔️Where stories live. Discover now