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5 years later

(UPS convention center)

Blithe was seating in a chair she was prettier than the usual since she was styled up; She was wearing a blue  judicial robe along with an academic cap. The young girl was aready getting bored with their college dean's long speech that's why she took the water bottle on the floor and started balancing it on her shoulder.

Her friend noticed what she was doing so she took the water bottle on Blithe's shoulder and said something to her that made the girl to pout. It seems she was shushed by her seatmate and told her to pay attention to the program.

Little did Blithe know that someone is staring at her as she tried to keep herself busy by poking her other seatmate's cheeks and making weird faces (that still looks cute by the way) whenever some of her friends looks at her that made them laugh.

Taehyung's brows knitted at the sight of the smiling Blithe, who kept on distracting others just to spare herself from boredom. The young lad wouldn't be seating on a chair and attending this crappy graduation ceremony if it wasn't for his bestfriend Jimin, and Jimin was an HRM student so it means he is in the same college where Blithe came from. Therefore Taehyung  will see the person he hates the most which is the bubbly and 4d girl named Blithe Kim.

After a couple of hours the ceremony was already over, students started searching for their parents and their friends just to take some pictures while the others were crying in joy.

"Congratulations punk, after 6 years you finally graduated college." Taehyung teased and gave his good old friend a bro hug. 

It was true that it took his bestfriend to graduate 6 years just for a 4 year course, Jimin was a bright child but since he liked to rebel against his parents, he purposely ditched his classes and failed them.

"Fuck you! It may took me 6 years to graduate but still I graduated with flying colors." Jimin said and slightly punched his friends shoulder, the boy took his academic cap off when Blithe and her bestfriend Jennie, Taehyung's old college classmate passed by.

"I guess the bet's off Park, we both graduated in the same time." Blithe said to Jimin playfully. The two had a bet, and it was about who will took a longer time to graduate will be the winner since they are both irregular students.

"Yes, congrats Blithe." Jimin said to his friend.

"You too Jimin."

"hey there Taehyung!" Blithe greeted her former classmate.

Taehyung just gave her a plastic smile plastered on his face, Taehyung didn't ignored Blithe because for him he needs to talk to Blithe for necessary reasons and that's how mature people handle the situation when it comes to the person they hate. Not by ignoring them, that's the thing he learned as he grew up.

"Let's go, the ceremony was long af and I'm getting hungry." Taehyung said and grabbed Jimin's left shoulder.

"Taehyung just a friendly reminder please refrain from going outside since the weather lately is getting hot and I'm scared that you might melt, especially when you're plastic as fu-" Jennie was cut off from talking to his rude classmate when Blithe covered her mouth.

"Bye Jimin, bye Taehyung!" Blithe bid goodbye to the two and walked out dragging along her noisy bestfriend.

"Why did you stopped me from talking to that ass!"  Taehyung heard his batchmate Jennie rant towards Blithe.

Ofcourse Taehyung being Taehyung he shrugged off what Jennie said and walked out of the convention center along with Jimin who kept teasing him for Jennie roasted her.

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