Chapter Three

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(Amy's POV) 

"Ey Lass! Time to get up!" I heard a voice say.

"Mmmm... Father, five more minutes." I groaned as I rolled over and shoved my face into my pillow.

"Lass, we're sinkin' below!"

"What!" I shot up.

I saw Grog and Keith laughing at me. I growled at them.

"It's not funny!"

"T' us it is." Keith laughed.

I sat up on my bed, grabbed a vase that was sitting on my bedside table and threw it at those two idiots. It smashed into pieces, and they both took off running, shutting my room door behind them.

"That'll show them." I smirked.

I got up and put on the pirate clothes that I had in the drawer. After I was fully dressed, I walked out of my door and went into the dining room.

"Miss Amy, I'm hungry." Jhonny greeted me with a whine the second I walked through the doorway.

"Breakfast will be ready in a minute." I smiled genuinly.

"Thank ye'!" He chirped and ran off happily. I walked to the boxes with food, and started making bread, and some jerk. As I was cooking Kurk walked in, looking at me with an evil grin.

"What?" I asked him.

"Oh nothin'. Just walkin' round'... Aye! Isn't th't a spider?!" He pointed at the counter beside me.

"Where?" I panicked and turned around.

"Right here!" I turned around to see him pull what looked like a spider to me. I yelped.

I looked closely at what he was holding. A toy spider.

He tricked me, and now here he is. Laughing at me.

"That was NOT funny!" I puffed out my cheeks and crossed my arms.

"Hahaha! Ye should've seen ye face. Ye can't be a pirate and be scared of such useless thin's."

"I never wanted to be a pirate! That captain of yours kidnapped me!" I glared at the old cat.

"Oh well. Ther's no goin' back now. Too bad, so sad." He smirked.

No going back? Did that mean I wouldn't see me father again? I eyed the old cat, grabbed his food and slammed it on the table.

"Here's your stupid food." I glared at him and stomped away angrily.


I walked to Sonic's room and peeked through his door. It looked like he was trying to figure out something. I saw he was looking at a map. Not just a regular map, but it looked like a treasure map. He glanced up at me, and tilted his head in confusion.

"Aye! Is th't ye lass?" He called out.

Oh shoot!

I blushed and quickly hid on the wall next to his room. His footsteps come closer to the door. He opened the door wider and caught me hiding.

"What's goin' on? Shouldn't ye' be doin' yer chores?" He asked me.


"Tell ye' what. How bout' ye go sharpen my blade?" He handed me his sword.

But as soon as he put it in my hands, it forcefully pulled me to the ground. It was so... heavy.

"Sometin' wrong lass?" He asked. I struggled lifting the sword.

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