Chapter Two

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(Amy's POV) 

Ugh... Stupid Pirates! It had only been three days since I was kidnapped, and already the idiotic have baboons were treating me like their maid. I had to do tiring chores like scrubbing floors in the rooms, cooking, and things like sweeping the deck that seemed to be eternally filthy. 

Who do they think I am? A peasant!?

"Aye, lass!"

"What!" I growled, turning my body to Grog.

"Cap'n told me t' give this t' ya." He tossed a wad of cloth to my face.

"What are these? Old rags?" I asked.

"No, clothes. So ya can dress like us!" Grog proudly stated.

"You expect me to wear these? They're not even considered clothing, where I came from!" I tossed the clothes on my bed.

"Sorry...We don' have pretty dresses, and perfume in the pirate life. And that's pretty much all we have."

"Wait, these seriously are the only clothes I have?"

"I'm 'fraid so, lass. Got a prob'em?"

"Of course I have a problem! How am I supposed to get used to this 'pirate life', when I have been wearing dresses most of my life?"

"Well, ye' don' have to wear anythin' at all if that's what ye' want."

My cheeks reddened. He noticed what he said and sweat-dropped.

"That's not what I meant..."

I sighed, "Fine! Can you leave so I can get dressed?"

"Aye." Grog shut the door behind him as he left.

I picked up these rags that the pirates call 'clothes' and looked them over with disgust.

Why did I set that pirate free? I miss my father so much. Heck, I even feel home sick.

After I got dressed, I made my bed and cleaned up a bit before going out.

Once I walked out, I saw Sonic smile and wave at me, motioning for me to come.

"Hey, lass!"

"What is it?" I asked.

"I just wanted to let ye' know, we are gonna supply fer food. And yer comin' with me."

"And how are we supposed to find this food?"

The pirate chuckled. His crew even started laughing, except for Jhonny.

"What's so funny?" I shot a death glare at all of them.

"See, Cap'n. I told ye', she's a lil wench!" Kurk laughed at me.

"I am NOT whatever you said!" I spat.

"Calm down, Lads! Amy, we're goin' t' th' island only a few miles away." Sonic said.

"Oh! You mean over there?" I pointed to the front of the ship.

Sonic and his crew looked to where I was pointing.

"LAND HOOO!" Grog shouted.

"Seriously?" I used a dull-tone in my voice.

"Ye guys stay on the Roggen. I'm bringin' the lass wit' me." Sonic ordered.

As we shored, Sonic picked me up bridal style and rushed off onto the island.

"You know I can walk right?" I glared at him.

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